


1 year, 10 months ago



Name Akira

Called Kira

Gender male

Species wolf

Height small

Role unknown

Design Notes:
  • Some facts here!
  • Eyes glow in the dark
  • Fluffy fur
  • unusually big ears, like a foxes ears
  • jumps unnaturally high
  • Akira is a small fox warrior, who has lived alone most of his life so he doesnt know how to talk with others.

Born to unknown parents, unknown amount of years ago. This strange and colorful wolf appeared, and yet nobody seems to know where he came from. He claims to have witnessed many great events that have happened centuries ago, but it is hard to believe, since such things are simply impossible. Akira's shadow isn't like other shadows. It seems to have a mind of its own and even sometimes, takes control of it's host. It's unknown what it actually is, and Akira refuses to talk about it.

Akira, after many years of being lost had found a friend. A young wolf named Ryuk. He had wandered away from his pack and had gotten lost, so of course Akira agreed to help him. Ryuk realized he wasn't happy with his pack more and more as he spent time away from them, and decided to stop looking for them to stay with Akira. They run into a so called "demon wolf", who attacks anything and everything. Though they manage to escape, Ryuk gets a large scar, reminding him of the dangers this world has to offer. Pack wolves had never been allowed to be outside of their territory in their unknown lands so Ryuk had no idea such things as demon wolves even existed. In order to survive, they both agree to join a pack. And so they did. Both succesfully managed to join the Sun pack, which was led by Moon, as the former leader had died and their twin took over.

  • Akira has never tried fish.
  • Compared to Akira, his friend Ryuk is actually massive despite the young age.
  • All wolves in that universe can jump extremely high, but Akira can jump even higher than them.
  • Akira wishes to have a family, but it's impossible as he does not know his family's status or names.
  • He hates the sand because walking on it feels weird to him.
  • Despite rarely being near deep water, he knows how to swim.