Mirabile Visu



1 year, 10 months ago


Cornelius Mirabile Visu Indattoria  



I would have been better off had I allowed myself a moment to relax.

Mirabile Visu’s childhood was largely uneventful. He went to school just like everyone else did, and for the most part, he was content to just do whatever he was told. He proved to be rather troublesome as he grew older, never hesitating to pick fights with the other students if they so much as looked at him funny. When it came to schoolwork, however, Mirabile always went above and beyond, and was known to sacrifice hours upon hours of sleep for the sake of studying a topic more thoroughly or checking his homework just a couple more times before handing it in the next day.

Parysatis is a blessing. I scarcely deserve their company.

  Meeting Parysatis

Mirabile met his familiar on a gloomy day in Luna, after an equally as gloomy conversation. They provided a welcome distraction from the stress of his studies, and he found himself returning to their 'home' more and more often, until the two of them eventually bonded shortly before he was sent to Dutoria to work at the embassy in Dura.


Every country has its upsides - save, perhaps, for this one.

Ironbrook – the one place where he would absolutely encounter the necromancers and revived from his mother’s dreadful tales. His mother seemed oddly delighted, as though she had not done her best to convince Mirabile that he would inevitably be murdered and used as a sacrifice for some insane ritual a week into staying there. “Make sure to check up on your sister, too,” was the last thing she said to him before he left, adding more bitterness to the already seemingly endless array of negative emotions that accompanied this particular trip.

...I would rather talk about something else.

  The letter

And then, in 502 A.E.D., he got a letter. A letter from a person he did not know, a person who called themselves ‘Sha-neth’...informing him that his sister had passed away on a ‘dangerous expedition’. Mirabile later learned that ‘Sha-neth’ had been the name of his sister’s mentor – a fact he would have certainly found out himself had he complied with his mother’s requests and visited her at least once. But he did not. During his two years in Ironbrook, he had not even sent Cantrelle a single letter.

  Leaving Ironbrook

It was not the most diplomatic of solutions, I admit.

Whenever he was asked about the matter, Mirabile insisted that he felt fine; the reality was, however, that he felt absolutely dreadful. He despised the looks of sympathy he got from the other diplomats, felt nothing short of agitated by their offers to ‘talk about it if he wanted to’. He wished to never think about it again, anything to stop that persistent voice in his head telling him that maybe, just maybe, he could have done something to prevent this, had he not been so envious.

It seemed that ‘annoyed’ was his one and only state of being for months on end, and though he managed to hide his emotions during his work hours entirely, they only came back that much stronger the moment he set foot outside of the embassy. Perhaps that was why, when approached by a slightly intimidating but very talkative Necromancer on one of his walks, Mirabile decided he found him particularly annoying – and back in his school years, the only way to deal with particularly annoying people was to punch them square in the face. And so he did.

It was rather unfortunate, then, that his heroic attempt at defending his personal space had not gone unnoticed. And so, Mirabile soon found himself packing his bags again. At least there would be no more Necromancers or revived in his new destination, right?


I will never be able to repay the kindness shown to me here.

Meros proved to be extremely eventful. Not only did Mirabile make friends with one Vissarion Samson Virieux, a revived man equal parts outrageous and oblivious to the diplomat's apprehension, he also learned his supposedly dead sister was actually alive and looking for him. Cantrelle, however, was not the only family member searching for Mirabile, as after a couple failed kidnapping attempts (foiled once by Vissarion and next by Mirabile himself), he happened upon the very cause of his untimely trip to Ironbrook: Skadi, his grandfather, had been looking for family members to utilise for life extensions on a quest to avenge the destruction of his home.

The surprises Meros had in store for Mirabile seemed to be endless, but after no small deal of hardship and doubt, and with the help of what he thought to be the most unlikely of friends, he overcame all obstacles, one after another. Now, he hopes, there might finally be some peace and quiet to be found in Testudo.



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Button-White-Left.pngBasic InformationBullet-White.png
Political Diplomat
170cm / 5'6
29 Years
September 20th, 476 A.E.D.
Male (He/Him)
Testudo, Meros


Positive Traits


Regardless of how difficult or tedious a task might be, Mirabile is ready and determined to fulfil it to the best of his ability – and beyond.


Given his occupation and upbringing, he keeps his abundance of opinions about others to himself.


He will never abandon those he cares about.

Neutral Traits


He is reluctant to share his problems or concerns with others, instead trusting his opinions and feelings are better left unspoken.


He is easily influenced by others, provided they throw in enough compliments and praise. His insecurity makes him vulnerable to manipulation.


Perfectly organised, perfectly negotiated, perfectly done – anything else leaves him wondering whether he’s capable of doing what he’s doing at all.

Negative Traits


He does his best to understand and support those he cares about, but sometimes, he feels as though he is entirely out of touch with their emotions.


His name translates to 'Wonder to behold'. What did you expect?


Mirabile is aware that it is generally unfair to jump to conclusions about people. But he just can’t help it.



Mirabile has left most of his prejudice behind, and though many are concerned about the events surrounding his brief disappearance, he does his best to ease their suspicions and work alongside them as well as he can.


Extra Notes 

  • Likes his personal space. Anyone who’s not a small lizard familiar (or Claude) had better keep their distance.
  • Has a tattoo depicting Parysatis, his familiar, on his right arm, and a second tattoo of a moon surrounded with scales and stars covering a large scar on his left side.
  • Has a ridiculously large collection of ties. Likes combining local fashion with styles from the Land of Rivers, where he was raised.

Cantrelle Indattoria

[ Sister ]

The two have slowly reconciled. Provides Mirabile with endless flower recommendations and teasing comments about him and Claude.


Eemeli Indattoria

[ Father ]

After Mirabile's mother abandoned him due to his change of beliefs regarding necromantic revivals, Eemeli rushed in to support his son after decades of not being able to see him.


Madeleine Indattoria

[ Mother ]

Protective to a fault and entirely misguided in her beliefs, Madeleine's desire to keep her son safe from everything and everyone escalated beyond the point of no return. Mirabile hopes she's doing well, but wishes to never speak with her again.