


1 year, 10 months ago


Charmy was a retired scientist that spent his life trying to make avian turn peaceful by talking it out with outlaws, the enchanted flame gave Charmy a split personality where he changes types depending on his emotion, but he has learned to control it and hide it.

Age: 35
Work area: Avian labs
Gender: Male
Items in bags: Apple(x20), big Apple(x10), Reviver seed(x2), Blast seed(x1), Escape orb(x1), Petrify orb(x1), Poke-coins(x,1,011,820),
Level: 80

Description: Charmy wears a blue jacket with a red scarf, the jacket has some holes but they are rarely visible due to Charmy patching them up, he would never take off his jacket at any point or time to hide his scars, he wears a red scarf because it was given to him from his friend Alex before they died, when Charmy reaches level 100 the enchanted flame absorbs that level and returns him to level 1, in return one of the flames powers gets stronger but this makes Charmy an easy target, the flame has also somehow frozen his aging process so he is stuck looking like he is 19 forever.

Goal: Reach 10 Mil poke-coins (100K gold bars) and upgrade the lab in avian and provide a perfect stable power source

Scientist status: Re-joined and no longer retired.
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