


6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info








Jack Russel Terrier


Kaiser is cool, but quite aloof. He has a distant and almost uncaring attitude towards most people, and can be assumed as rude or passive aggressive. He does feel compassion and sympathy, but it's often drowned out by his selfishness.

He's involved in a mystery involving a secret society in his town, when he stumbled upon a ritual one night on the beach, and got possessed by an ominous spirit trying to flee. The spirit wasn't malicious, but rather bipolar, and often lashes out, causing him to make brash and regrettable decisions. The spirit caused some sort of malfunction in his brain, controlling certain thought-trains and causing migraines on the regular.

Bee, Tangy, and Peebles are his best friends, and they somehow have learned to manage with his aloofness and his occasional possession outbreaks. They've also been dragged into this hell, but they're willing to fight for him. (Well, except for Bee. She doesn't particularly want to be there.)

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Kaiser is a huge fan of science fiction, especially space related things. He listens to sci-fi audio books because it calms down his mind, and can help him escape mentally. He usually doesn't have migraines when he listens to them. He USED to love walking on the beach. Whenever Kaiser's at school, he listens to music. Weezer, Foo Fighters, Gorillaz, Jimmy Eat World, pretty much anything that leaks of early 2000 vibes. His friends aren't really into his music (except for Tangy) but they'll occasionally listen with him. Kaiser rides his bike everywhere, and often with his friends. (Look, It's the overused "Kids On Bikes" cliche!) but Tangy usually rides her skateboard, and can surprisingly keep up with them. He loves the feeling of gliding through the air, like a bird, and feeling so fast compared to the others walking down the street, and often glides and twists past cars waiting for green lights, like he's taunting them.