


6 years, 3 months ago


Arwen is the older adopted brother of Denelea 

after the death of his mother and father he sets out on the world searching for his younger brother with only a two year old post card and a hand carved pipe (an intended gift from Denelea to his adopted father) as his only clue to where he might be. Fate had other plans and Arwen is soon experiencing his own perils as he wanders over fast empty land, dodges unsavory characters and happens across oddities such as a Sphinx who can speak with the dead 

personality: Generally charismatic though he will on occasion suffer from fits of depression. He's patient, and 'bushy tailed', tends to run head first into a problem rather than think of the consequences. 

likes: clear night skies, dusty books, smell of bread baking 

dislikes: waiting in line, rain, and problems that seem to have no solution