


1 year, 10 months ago


A Splatoon OC. I'll soon change her to make her a fully original character taking place in one of my worlds.


"She said she would quote me somewhere."
  • Name Carloy Weltang
  • Age 17
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns she/they
  • Sexuality Asexual (but not aromantic)
  • Personality

    People meeting her for the first time often get the idea that she is a calm, observant, and unsympathetic person. She is not very tactile and only lets a few people approach her . In reality, she is particularly moody and can violently explode in anger at the slightest frustration, often causing havoc and discord within her own team. She tends to come across as very confident and arrogant, suggesting that she looks down on others. She gets irritated easily but it is better that she does not really get angry. Her strong and bad temper combined with her lack of sociability make her a very solitary person who is difficult to approach. Many complain about her unpleasant side.

    Her personality could refer to that of Shōei Barō from the Bluelock manga .
  • Appearance

    Carloy is a Grimpoctaling whose tentacles are colored in a faded burgundy that degrades into a grey-blue. If her ink color changes, the gray-blue gradient remains. Most of the time , she wraps her rear tentacles so that they are tied in a low bun so that the ends go up. The front ones are loose and have great differences in length; the left ripples and curls over her cheek while the right comes to her mid-thigh. Her irises are golden with white pupils, but her right eye is covered with an eye patch, being infected and blind. The shape of her eyebrows resembles a V. She hides in her tentacles two small fins that she inherited from her species, she does not like to show them. She also has a congenital skin disease, vitilig-ink: her skin, when in humanoid form, does not turn beige but retains the color of ink, which creates spots of the color of her current ink. She is often mistaken for a somewhat effeminate boy, being a girl without breasts but having strong shoulders, pecs and muscular arms. Moreover, she does not dress in a very feminine way, favoring clothes with a military and strict style. This surprisingly earned her some success among girls.

  • Likes Isumi; dried seaweed; energy drinks; sport
  • Dislikes Crowded places; incompetent people; hot weather
  • Backstory

    Carloy was born in the Batiscaphe Hospital. She did not know her father.

    Still working on it.

  • Isumi Ship

    @_DarkestFairy_'s OC. The two are shipped together.

  • Name Relationship

    Feel free to DM me to link your OC with mine (must be a Splatoon OC)!

  • Name Relationship

    Feel free to DM me to link your OC with mine (must be a Splatoon OC)!

  • Grimpoctalings?

    This is a non-official Splatoon species based of grimpoteuthis/ Dumbo Octopus. This species is a group resembling the Octolings, but differing in certain ways. They are more used to dark places, so they are very present in the Abyss. Their main characteristic is 2 fins on the top of their head and a web between their tentacles.

  • What is her right design?

    Carloy has been going through a phase of redesign. To avoid any confusion: her old design is the one where she has black/grey colored tentacles (if there's no color, it's the design with front tentacles of the same length which is the old one). If you like her old design best, feel free to draw it!

  • Can our OC's be friends/related?

    Sure! Just ask me and tell me what relationship you want your OC to have with Carloy. Your OC must be a Splatoon character.

  • Question

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  • Trivia
    • ● The Abyss is dark, but Carloy's brigade was dressed in white. The creatures below have very poor eyesight, so white does not differ from black, but this color which contrasts with its environment makes it easier to find a missing soldier despite the lack of light.
    • ● As said before, Abyssal creatures have poor eyesight. This is the case of Carloy, who is particularly myopic and easily dazzled by sunlight. Conversely, she is a nyctalope.
    • ● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
    • ● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
    • ● Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.
    • ● Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed.