Shin Ah



6 years, 5 months ago


The bonded mount and companion to Siha L.

  • Male
  • Novan Elk
  • Silver-white fur that darkens in summer and becomes brighter in winter
  • Dark eyes and long eyelashes to protect the eye
  • Highly intelligent, capable of understanding basic commands and emotional states of his rider, exceptionally proud
  • Can wear different gear depending on the work required and is tolerant of most tasks- greatly prefers riding
  • Combat trained, does not shy from dangerous situations and navigates treacherous terrain with little guidance
  • Breeding seasons are less frequent than Earth species, ranging 3-5 years apart and antlers are shed and regrown following these times. The antlers grow quickly and mature over time, leaving them with impressive weapons of self defense
  • Icaran people form lifelong bonds with these elk, raising them to work alongside particular riders. People of the lower class often go without a bond or share in the use of elk that have bonded to the shepards that raised them. Most nobility, soldiers of rank, and royalty typically have their own elk for personal use. Novan elk are immensely protective of their bonded riders, and it's common for them to be temperamental or wild with strangers. Most are introduced to friends, family, and colleagues with the rider present to prevent future stress.