E1-M4 (Elma)



1 year, 9 months ago


⊙ Android maid with combat manual input

⊙ she have some memory loss so she's actually pretty bad at house chores. there's no way to manually input those in her now so she's trying to learn in old fashioned way

⊙ who made her, who she served is currently forgotten. she doesn't remember her past either.

⊙ a boy named conner, who is a scavenger found her preserved in her maintenance pod, she used to serve conner but currently conner is missing and Elma is looking for him.

⊙ currently cooperating with Ecssy to find conner.

※ 지인이랑 얘기하면서 좋아하는 플롯 속성 섞다가 나온 캐릭터

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가사센스나 인간미는 꽝이라서 주인님 기분살리겠다고 어디서 주워온지 모를 개드립을 치거나

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나름 그 캐릭터도 좋았지만 다른 영화나 게임 플롯 등을 참고하면서 좀 더 진지한 스토리로 풀어내도 괜찮겠다 싶어서

좀더 전투속성을 살려서 캐릭터 변화 만들려고 준비중.