


1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Vener from the Cotton Line


Over 2 Billion


Stellar Anomaly


1 Meters (3' 3'' Feet)

Gender, Sexual Orientation and Pronouns

Female and Heterosexual (She/Her)

Place of Birth (Zone, Planet, Region/Country)

Light Zone, Fantasia, God's Valley


Cinema, cute things, board games.


Talking about her past, faceless horror beings, losing.


Human Emotions


Vener, the most influential and one of the most powerful being! Despite looking like a cute little rubberhose cartoon character! :p

Vener's story in short:

Vener is a Stellar Anomaly, and a very special one, she is the very first child of the first Primal Stellar Anomalies, Rurd and Nen.

She was reputed back then to be very funny and cheeky, but the existence of her whole species poses a problem to another species apparently, the Gods, beings made to protect life in the Universe, but ended up enslaving it, and there were scared of Stellar Anomalies, those beings that appeared in the middle of space for no reason.

At one point, the Gods decided to not tolerate Stellar Anomalies, just because of their way of life. Every Anomaly spotted are enslaved or even killed on the spot, including Vener's family. Seeing her parents and her siblings being tortured by the Gods have made Vener realise how this world is falling apart. She couldn't let this happen, she eared a voice telling her to eradicate every God, every one of them, she snapped.

Now there are no more Gods living, somehow, she saved life in the universe, but she was broken, as nobody can be well after mass murdering a whole species. The little joyful girl is not like this anymore. It took her a very, very long time to recover, people still associate her to a soulless murdering machine, only her family knows who she really is and helped her.

Million of years passed, and she become back the joyful and cheeky girl she was, but with more maturity and more responsibilities, as she as now decided to fight for a better and happier world, even if she has eradicated the Gods, other beings threaten life in this universe, including her own species, that 90% of them can be a threat to life itself. Her power and influence was almost limitless, she created the Stellar School, a place where young Stellar Anomlies get educated, and so, knows how to not be a threat to life, directed by her first child, Rina, she created Sellarcatraz, a prison for the worst Stellar Anomaly Criminals, locked away from interacting with any living beings, directed by her 105th child, Harbor, and she created the In-Between, some sort of reeducation center for Stellar Anomalies Criminal that still has a chance to become good, directed by her 20056th child, Strapz. (Yeah, she has a total of 74,195 children, but that's not a lot at all for a Stellar Anomaly that lived for more than 2 Billion years!)

As for today, Vener is the most trustworthy Stellar Anomaly you can encounter, even if sometimes she can fall for her obsession that every Stellar Anomaly has... Her obsession is Human Emotions, so she likes to look at your face and ask to show to her your emotions... Sometimes... Now she actually prefers to go to the movie theater. Her favorite emotion is Anger. She can distort space-time to travel in space, she is also very good at body morphing, and she can even summon thunderstorms when extremely angry.

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Rio (Friend) | Nashi (Friend) | Stor (Partner) | Harbor (Son) | Untidy (Rival) | XoR (Babysat) | Chloé (Babysat) | Tshooz (Friend)| Plushy (Friend)