Lambchop (Soleil)



1 year, 10 months ago



Name Soleil
Nickname Lambchop
Voice Claim Hinata (Naruto)
Pronouns She/Her
Aesthetic Board
Species Sheep


Soleil worked at a deadend office job, not being the smartest of the bunch, she's often stuck filing papers or helping the hire ups. She earned the name 'Lambchop' at her work place because she isn't all that respected for how dense she can be. Despite being so clueless, she's very innocent and kind.

She met a new transfer Destan (placeholder name) in her office with wide eyes and papers clutch to her chest; a tall goat man with ruffled chestnut hair, scruffy beard, and large horns curling around his head. She would follow him around the office, his way of making deals was so cheap and scammy but it'd work, and she thought that was so genius. He often shrugged her off, offput by the wide golden eyes always staring his way but he soon warmed up to her. Inviting him over to her apartment out of the blue one day was,,, interesting to say the least. Reluctantly, he agreed, swigging another gulp of coffee to try and fill the silence that filled the room after he gave his answer.

What an apartment, it was forced cottage themed in such a tiny cheap apartment, a lot of the wallpaper was peeling off and her bed was more itchy than warm, but her passion in explaining all her decore and surprisingly good cooking won over the scraggly coworker. Eventually, Destan visited more and more, helping clean up a lot of the poorly set up decor. They can't really put their fingers on when a relationship blossomed, nothing formal was really done, they just kind of... got together.

Soleil is proud to say that they've quit their cruddy office job, although goat man still stayed in the attire for a good year afterwards, eventually going to a comfier style. They live in the edge of town in a small house surrounded by wheat. They help care for the property, Soleil caring for the sheep and Destan works on the wheat, but they're quite happy with such a rewarding way of life.


Small Red Flower hairclip

Given to Soleil on their first anniversary, she often wears it on the right side of her head, but on special occasions, she'll wear it on the left. Destan has a small yellow flower pin he'll wear on the lapel of his suits.

Golden Crown Ring

Wedding bands that both Destan and Soleil wear. These originally started out as a joke between my irl partner and I giving one another golden helmets in minecraft lol so now the both characters wear this band!

Dead Bonsai

It seems really fuckin dumb but Soleil and Destan have a dead bonsai sitting on their dresser. Around their 3rd date, Destan joked he likes bonsai trees but he can never keep any plant alive, let alone a high maintenance one. So Soleil got him a dead bonsai tree to 'care for' instead. He finds it one of the funniest jokes she's managed to pull off and they keep the poor thing around. This is actually also based off of minecraft! My partner's favorite block is a dead bush... so I always give him one.

Outfits (big WIP)







[Best Friend]



[Very Recent Friend of Soleil's]









[Alt Universe Soleil]