Basilio Isidore



1 year, 10 months ago


teen who has been taken under the wing of the wolfe-blisson siblings

very confusing ancestry - his grandmother is a witch who apparently has kelpie blood in her while his grandfather had a lot of siren/selkie in him. The two met due to Baz's grandfather being a pirate at the time. His grandfather was caught by authorities and his grandmother made a deal to escape with their infant daughter, which caused her to gain magic sickness which eventually killed her when Baz was very young

his mother resented her magical bloodline and rejected everything about it, very bitter about being a servant of a wealthy family. she slept with someone she thought was one of the sons of the family, but who actually was a winter court fae in guise which stirred up a lot of the magical bloodline for when Baz was born

Baz was born with a selkie pelt which his mother hid away from him and refused to disclose the location of, which physically hurt Baz a significant amount. Especially when he chose to leave rather than stay, as the further a selkie gets from their pelt the more pain they are in. It also causes them to be closer to human and age in ways that are abnormal for selkies/magical folk - which is significantly slower and with greater longevity than regular humans. So, Baz artificially aged as a human while still being very young for a selkie

Baz left on a ship (too much sea blood in him) as a youth as a cabin boy, later going on to becoming a pirate. Eventually he crossed paths with Lila, Tomás, and Santino who instantly decided to adopt him and help him out. Santino stuck around with Baz while Lila and Tomás left to go and find his pelt, which was eventually returned to him

being able to transform into his selkie form let him go back to his "proper" more youthful form, though he does retain grey streaks in his hair due to his experience - he has mixed feelings about this as he's been treated as an adult for most of his life and is now being treated as a teenager again but he sort of... desperately wants to have a family/people who look out for him even as he simultaneously wants to reject this entirely

Closest with Santino who he feels both protective over and looks up to as an older sibling figure, which is confusing even for him. 

Expressed selkie blood but has a bunch of other things mixed in there that he's still figuring out - he's currently of the age where more magical traits become expressed so he's figuring out his magic as he goes along