Callie Nari



1 year, 10 months ago


Creation Number: #65

Height: 6'1 (~185 cm)

Weight: 145 lbs

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Relatives: Arlo (brother), Bianca (sister)

Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Callie loves baking, and spends a majority of her day working at her confectionary, Sweet Callie's. She keeps the store open from 8 am to 8 pm every day that she can, though takes occasional breaks throughout the day and sits in a side room where she can hear customers come in. When she's not working at Sweet Callie's, Callie enjoys unwinding with a good book or TV show.


  • Callie is very skilled at baking, and is able to create anything with the right recipe. She can even make things she's unfamiliar with, it just takes some trial and error!
  • If needed, Callie is able to use magic to defend herself. She isn't super skilled with it, though, as she rarely practices on account of not needing it.
  • With her magic, Callie can materialize food, creating either explosive food bombs to deter enemies or edible treats to throw at allies and heal or buff them! The food she creates with magic is very unfulfilling, so it wouldn't satiate someone's hunger. For this reason, Callie prefers to stick to real baking for making food!


  • Callie loves pink and white, and pretty much always wears clothing featuring those colors.
  • Callie likes to crack jokes fairly often! Her favorite jokes are wordplays, especially ones involving desserts.
  • Sweet Callie's is run exclusively by Callie, and she doesn't have any assistants helping her out at all. Callie doesn't mind working alone, but does hope that someday she can get at least a few helping hands. The confectionary gets slowed down a lot if someone orders a custom treat, since Callie has to take time to bake that and can't exactly take other orders in that time, and if Callie is ever sick or unavailable for any reason, the store can't open that day.