[TBN] war professor



2 years, 1 month ago


A cunning tactician, fearsome warrior, and adept teacher of his craft.

In his younger years, he made a name for himself on the battlefields that his people, the xiongyingzu, covered with the blood of their enemies. The son of an admiral already legendary as a war hero, he felt keenly the pressure to make his father proud—and to make up for the treason of his now-disgraced sister, who saw war as an ugly, terrible thing. His most fateful engagement saw him grievously injured, shot out of the sky by heavy ordnance and forced to fight off nearly half a dozen of his foes before help could arrive.

He lived, but his injuries meant he could no longer fight with the same intensity as before. Instead of returning to battle, he instead accepted an offer to mentor the most upstanding of students attending a prestigious xiongyingzu military academy. Far from regretting this turn of fate, he has instead taken to his new role with great enthusiasm. Harsh yet fair, those fortunate enough to study under him soon regard him with a devotion whose fervor verges on disturbing. His past students form a tight-knit fraternity of sorts well-known for their superlative accomplishments, and they are happy to share the glory of their conquests with their former mentor.

He particularly enjoys the year-long expeditions that students seeking to graduate must successfully complete. He accompanies them on these, providing them guidance borne of the wisdom and experience they've not yet developed, keeping them in line, and swooping in to rescue them should things go badly awry. These expeditions, proposed by the students themselves, take him to distant places within the Tianhai for the benefit of the xiongyingzu star empire, offering him many opportunities for glory and an endless variety of new foes to challenge. He is, of course, fiercely protective of his charges.

Despite his injuries, he is still a formidable enemy. A strong, maneuverable flyer with nerves of steel, precise aim, and exquisitely perceptive senses, as long as he remains aloft he poses a deadly threat to anything that cannot find cover or shoot back at him. He will not hesitate to slam into his opponents with tremendous momentum or to tear at them with his talons, even if it risks him being grounded. The old wound in his wing is an extreme vulnerability, though—if his opponent were to land a solid blow upon it, the resultant pain would be enough to completely incapacitate him. He has already had several close calls.