Dr. Natalie Pratchett



1 year, 10 months ago



Name: Dr. Natalie 'Nat' Pratchett aka "Dr. Patch"

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Lincoln, Nebraska

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian

Position: Junior Researcher

Department: Anomalous Humanoid Research, Biology & Chemistry Research

Level Clearance: 2



Height: 5'7

Weight: 165 lbs

Eye Color: Blue (right), Pink (left)

Hair Color: White/Sliver

Body Build: Slightly gangly with slight curves

Extra Details: Patchwork 'skin' on left side of face, left shoulder, left arm to the elbow




Very good at interacting with (preferably safe and euclid) humanoid SCPs due to her empathy and ability to read people. 

Majored in biology and chemistry. 

High pain tolerance.


Very quiet, almost mouse-like speaking voice. 

Has an irrational phobia of spiders. (She will scream and run away if possible)

Her hair can refract light making it hard to hide/focus harsh light like a magnifying glass

Numerous incidents of accidental inhalation of fumes have caused her to develop asthma.


Romance/Slice of Life Novels


People watching

"Backyard Science" aka simple non-hazardous science experiments


People assuming she is weak despite her work

Sour/bitter foods

People scaring her (it tends to trigger asthma attacks)


Natalie was born in Lincoln, Nebraska.

She grew up with a single mother after her father left with a mistress. 

This influenced her as she grew as she had to walk on eggshells and monitor her mother's rapid emotional fluctuations. Despite the neglect she worked hard to get scholarships into the University of Omaha and majored in Biology and Chemistry. Growing up she had a love of backyard science (ex. baking soda volcanos). 

She became involved in the Foundation after her freetime experiments had her involved with a strange anomalous compound that after being absorbed into her system cause all her body hair to become prismatic in nature despite keeping its keratinous nature. 

Her patchwork skin came about during an experiment which went awry with an anomalous mixture that had a history of fire resistance. It suddenly became flammable and exploded, burning her left side. 

She was taken to the medical wing and the doctors were given permission to use SCP-2295 "Bear With A Heart Of Patchwork" to help with her injuries. 

Natalie is grateful for 2295's work and finds her new appearance strange but not bad. After a full recovery she was transferred to Site-01 to work in their Research Departments.