Eloise - 🐚



1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Eloise

Age: 27


Star sign: scorpio

Gender: female

Sexuality: pansexual 

Status: single

Clan: rho

Power: water manipulation 

Flavor: taffy

Personality: a rascally little fella, enjoys causing trouble and wreaking havoc, always got her nose in someone else's business, speaks her mind without a care if it upsets someone or not, usually not very socially aware and definitely not politically correct, she literally just does not care (I will never draw or write about this, dw), probably has a spending problem too and will manipulate others into spending their money on her, feisty, rambunctious, hot-headed, not a very nice floss

Likes: being a general pain in the ass, spending others' money, playing pranks, pushing the buttons of others, eating 

Dislikes: being told no, being thwarted in her nefarious plans, having to wait for anything

Lives: Eastman District, Iota

Occupation: right hand floss to a extremely powerful crime boss in the district, she's very good at making sure crap gets done that he orders of her and his other underlings. She's constantly sucking up to him and while he's not stupid and knows wtf she's doing, none of the other underlings are nearly as competent as she is so be just deals. She's also extremely nosey in the business of the others below her and annoys the hell out of all of them but they can't do crap about it because she's the boss's right hand man. She also knows all this and LOVES it