Maggie 🥕



2 years, 1 month ago



Name Maggie Browning
Called The March Hare
Age 19
Gender Female (She/Her)
Species Rabbit
Occupation Troublemaker(?
Weapon Machine gun
Birthday March 11


  • Collect spoons
  • Parties underground
  • Nuts, her chao


  • Receive orders
  • Boredom
  • content
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Maggie is a member of the gang led by Molotov (The Mad Hatter). She is known as "The March Hare" and the most scandalous and destructive of the members of the gang. Some citizens of Rathole have even compared her to Jabber, when he was an active member of "The Beasts of Wonderland" gang. But even though she has a high destructive level and can literally "sweep" her enemies, she doesn't think before she acts and lacks self-control.

Her main weapon is a Machine gun. She bought it on Jabber's store and she always bring it to him for reparations (Despite what Molotov say about Jabber). Jabber doesn't see Maggie as a threat, in fact she is one of his best clients.

💊 Diagnosis: Maggie has attention deficit and it's hard for her to follow a conversation. She's very easily distracted, especially with shiny things.

🥕Personality: Maggie is very energetic, hyperactive and chaotic. Not everyone can handle her enthusiasm. She seems to be happy almost all the time. Her way of being is very 'special'. For example, when she speaks, she usually omits some words or talk too fast and then she forget what she was doing! "What were we talking about?" "And you are...?"


  • The pupil of her left eye changes shape depending on her mood.
  • Maggie has a nasal laugh. She makes involuntary pig sounds when she laughs a lot.
  • She knows how to industrial dance.
  • content



Nuts [ Best friend ]

Maggie's chao. He loves explotions just like her!A little troublemaker with a big responsability, take care of Maggie. Thanks to him she's still alive afterall.


Simone [ Boss ]



Molotov [ Gang mate ]

She always calls him 'boss' and it's uncertain if she feels any respect for him. She always disobeys him or simply doesn't listen to him, but when situations are serious Maggie makes an effort to pay attention to Molotov. Sometimes he tries to trick Maggie into getting information out of Jabber, but so far it hasn't worked.


Jabber [ Weapons supplier ]

Their relationship is nothing more than seller and customer. Maggie bought her weapon at Jabber's store and when it comes to repairs or upgrades for her "big baby" he's the best choice! After all, he assembled it. They rarely talk about anything other than weapons.

Molotov is Maggie's boss and no matter how good customer she is, he can't let his guard down.

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