


6 years, 4 months ago


Name: Corêliya

Species: K'ara (by Shitsumon)

Age:  140 Years

Height:  2,09 m

Eyecolor: - one is purple (blind, the other one pink

Haircolor: very dark, almost black

Specific Details: Tattoo from royal and divine recognition, scars from the war, half-blind

Job: established singer (most famous in Barria) and part-time guard

Skills: -perfect handling in close combat, handling with lance is perfect, swordsman, can also kill enemies without weapons, mercilassly said voice for singing

Likes: Honesty, singing, good food

Doesn't like: lawbreaker,thieves, lies

Relationship Status: Taken

Positive characteristics: 

-rolemodel for young women

-dedicated helper

Negative characteristics:

-prejudiced towards other species

-easy to provocate

Description of the Character: 

Corêliya was very talented since she was young, her voice and fighting-skills were already amazing. She gave a lot of concerts as a teen, and singing got her favorite hobby. But as much as she loved singing, the welfare of the royal family and the nation are the top prioraty for her, she wanted to protect them, no matter what. Thanks to her talent, she qualificated for the army and got to fight at first position. For 30 years she fought in the war, gave everything - as the situation calmed down, they got her back, since she lost the eyesight on one eye. Since she did her job amazingly, she got brands and tattoos to show the royal and godly  recognition. For her, this was an unbelievable honor, she wears those brands with pride. She also shows her scars with pride, she is proud, she fought for her nation and the royal family!  But the war also changed her – she has many prejudices against other races. She mistrusts them easily and never sees any good thing in them. For her, the K'ara are the one and only, all the others are enemies for her. Also, she's easy to provocate, gets angry easily and takes them into custody. Still, the safety of her nation is on first place. For the K'ara, she always is a nice and calm person. With her self-confidence and her apperance, she makes a good role-model for young women. She helps persons in need and takes her job as part-time-guard very seriously. But now, that she returned from war, she can finally sing again! She missed it a lot, now she's giving many concerts and sings on festivals and events very often.