Nowhere Phexibix



1 year, 10 months ago


Name Malaia Tukra Nowhere Phexibix

Called Nowhere

Age 24 Years

D.o.B. Unknown

Gender Unspecified (born Female)

Pronouns They/She/He

Height 5'9

Build Slim

Race Tiefling

Role Rogue; Wild Card

Alignment True Neutral

Aesthetic Purple Nightfall

Flower Deep Purple Iris

Element Acid



Deceiving • Cunning • Smooth • Tricky

Nowhere Phexibix is a tiefling with a bothersome background. They're calm, collected, and typically never let their cool slip, having been raised to be rather apathetic to most things and people. Any trust they seem to show should be taken with a grain of salt as they have a hard time putting their faith into anyone other than themself. They're also not used to physical affection outside of deceitful plays, whether that be sensual, friendly or familial, so some may perceive them as unfriendly. Their priorities are unstable and waver depending on the situation because they aren't tied down by any moral code. Survival, however, always had been and always will be their number one priority due to a single prominent figure in their life. If they stay to fight by your side in a truly dire situation, consider it a miracle.

Nowhere now wears a black fitted jumpsuit featuring shorts and no sleeves. Their boots and gloves match each other as black with maroon decor and gold buttoning, and they reach most of the way up their limbs. Their hair is extremely long, almost reaching the floor, and their horns are discolored from the rest of their skin. They wield a pair of weaponized claws gifted by Strahd Von Zarovich. Upon their shoulders sit Kaida the pseudodragon and Calcium the skeleton cat.








After growing up under a dragon and his followers for their entire life and suffering a decent amount of ups and downs, Nowhere wanted to leave the swamps of Quiron to try and live their life detached from their lifestyle. They were granted the right to leave the swamp if they promised to remain loyal and bring back the most valuable treasures they found on the occasion. Taking this promise with mentally crossed fingers, they left the swamp and gave themself the new name Nowhere, claiming it's because they came from nowhere, had nowhere to be, and had nowhere to go. After being kidnapped in their sleep by an unknown force (now known as Strahd), they were dropped in the lands of Barovia with little to no belongings and four other individuals. Their party has since grown to 8, including themself. Only time will tell where their adventure goes.


Theivery since childhood comes with its benefits, as there's virtually no lock that Nowhere can't crack open. With a sleeve full of magical and instinctual tricks, distractions come with ease to randsack any person's pockets they choose. They were not raised to be smart, just slick, so their academics may be lacking. But they make up for it with their charm and persuasiveness along with their stealth.

  • Nowhere Phexibix is their 3rd name. Their birthname is Malaia and their Kobold name was Tukra
  • Before meeting their party, Nowhere only ever had one person they could call a friend. His name is Suru, a half-dragon
  • They have Megalohydrothalassophobia because of a kobold they grew up with named Ras who terrorized them as a child with stories of sea monsters
  • They've taken on the dark gift Echoing Soul, giving them insight into past lives that could aid or hinder them in battle
  • They grow their hair out to make sure that their back is always covered no matter what, that way they will never have to look at the large dragon claws that scar them

XerixParty Member
Technically the first person Nowhere met in the fog, originally they eyed the gold on his shins. After fighting side by side a few times, being defended against racism by him, having a night at the tavern and other ventures, their trust in him has increased enough to stick around. He has admitted to considering them friends, a pleasant yet unexpected surprise. They're interested in the proposed assassin/thief position Xerix has offered them if it means they don't have to return to the swamp. They also have no problems with telling him when they plan to do something unlawful. Now knowing he's part of a line of dragon-slayers makes them extremely intrigued but also stressed. Her fear of their power/strength extends into a hidden fear of him dying to them. A deep part of them that they're barely starting to realize slightly cares if he survives. He was the first person they've ever really apologized to, but that doesn't make him immune to their instincts. They've stolen his (step)mother's family airloom necklace, and their relationship is the only reason they placed it in the bag of holding instead of keeping it on themself.


MarinaParty Member
Nowhere originally found her intriguing but with no grounds to defend that intrigue. They acknowledge her magical abilities and liking for animals, and they find her screw-ups amusing when she accidentally hits a team member (*AHEM* XERIX 11 TIMES *AHEM*). They also hold a silent understanding after both of them were granted dark gifts in exhange for survival. They find her interests intriguing and their choice in companions questionable. After their first night watch together, their impression of her has increased rapidly since she was the first person to ever suggest that they express their feminine side. They've become silent friends, each conversation revealing more and more that they have a lot in common. In their latest conversation, Nowhere agreed to try on clothes that Marina wants to make for them. They like her company.


BookerParty Member
Nowhere found him to be unnoticable due to his monotone nature and lack of threat at the start of their journey. Their respect for him has increased slowly, first from the head-first walk into the fog, then later after seeing him fumble yet try hard to use his magic in combat. They hope he gets his memories back one day, understanding what it's like to feel like you don't have a real home. Because of Iridia's anaysis, they believe that he is at least partly undead. After the winery, they find his random memory bursts impressively helpful. They feel really bad for him after Bacia and Runak's addition to the group, but things seem to be smoothing over. They don't really agree with his recently-good-guy outlook, but they aren't one to tell others what to do.


IridiaParty Member
Nowhere had a mix of slight fondness and slight distaste for Iridia due to her gentle nature that was immediately apparent. These mixed emotions settled to a calm positivity after seeing her in combat and being revived by her. She keeps the party in check to prevent Nowhere and the others from raining hell against those who wrong them. However she has made it very clear that she isn't okay with them breaking the law, so it makes them reluctant to trust her with information. With the recent winery visit, they're reminded of iridia's closeness to death and remains baffled. After Achilles' death, Nowhere has become much more watchful of her, though only when necessary. They understand how rare it is to have someone you can feel close with, seeing as they hardly had anyone like that growing up, so when life blesses you with's something to be cherished. They're not good with comforting, but they are making sure Iridia has the space she'd want and need. They will, however, step aside should she say things are alright. Now that she's left the party, they hope she keeps herself safe in this terrible land.


AchillesParty Member (Deceased)
Having no knowledge of what Yuan Ti are, Nowhere originally thought Achilles was a kobold blessed with a human form. After attacking him in the middle of the night and getting pulled into a long conversation, they learned otherwise and has since lost hostility towards him. They now see him on neutral ground, unresponsive to his shaking when Strahd is brought up after agreeing to keep his secret. They have noticed how he treats Iridia better than everyone. NOW THAT HE'S FUCKING DEAD!!!! They feel pretty bad for how they initially treated him. They started to have a positive outlook on him because of his actions, not his words, and wish they could've apologized more directly. However what's done is done, and survival is survival. Sadly, Achilles did not be it.


HedryannisParty Member
Nowhere doesn't know much of anything about Hedryannis, besides his backstory when it was revealed at Strahd's table. Him as a person...unsure. They're faintly bothered by his pessimistic attitude, especially when anyone says anything about Strahd. However, they are amused by the negative relationship forming between him and Xerix. They silently acknowledge his good connection with nature, though they never cared much for that sort of thing. Their opinion of him has now changed mildly, feeling bad for the man as he completely broke down in the winery upon finding out his kind has sided with Strahd. They no longer like his outlook on life and how much it swings around. They're beginning to wonder just how stable this man is, and considers his preaching rather annoying.


BaciaParty Member
Nowhere is very unsettled by Bacia's presence. Their demeanor is too chaotic for their liking, unpredictable, and doesn't help their already existing anxiety. They also don't like them because of their immediate fascination with Iridia, seeing as Nowhere has currently taken role in keeping Iridia safe (see line on Achilles' passing in Iridia's status). They're easily irritated by the heavy creepy optimism...if it can even be labeled as optimism. They've become less unsettled and more tired by their presence, which as of right now is unknown to be a good or bad thing. With Iridia's recent change, they're willing to let them go as they please...for now. Now they think they have rabies. They don't miss them now that they're gone.


RunakParty Member
For now, Nowhere has mentally lumped Runak with Bacia. This means they also find her unsettling and irritating whenever she speaks. She doesn't, however, have that extra irritation they get from Bacia's chaotic demeanor. Their feeling towards Runak is currently very shallow, nothing too headstrong or anchor solid. ...THAT FEELING AS NOW CHANGED, they now feel a distaste when looking at Runak for the nerve of making a racist comment. Things are not looking good ! Distaste hasn't gone away, but they're no longer glaring at her anymore. They don't miss them now that they're gone.


Nowhere was first very put off by Kaida's appearance, stressing about how they're still being watched even from this place. However, after reading the note and package that he delivered and finding out it was from Suru, they felt their guard drop just the slightest bit less. They've decided to keep him around for now in memory of their friend, and have interacted enough with him to learn that he knows how to speak a broken form of Thieves' Cant along with imagery telepathy. They still will not say anything risky around him yet, but they won't abandon him. Training is going well.