Solar's Comments

Heyo! Just curious if you're still interested in selling this guy & Severus(think that was his name)

     Just am interested in both of them and figured Id just ask. Have a good one & thank you for your time!

I'd honestly be more than fine with that since I've sold to you before

Although the one's name was removed as I didn't want him to be named that anymore for personal reasons ^^'

All good!! Was just wanting to make it easier to understand what other one I was interested in ^^

     Ill look for your paypal again and send the payment over for ya then if that sounds good to you! ^^

You're good lol

And yeah that's fine ^^

Payment has been sent! Let me know when ya receive it and if there is any difficulties!! 

Thank you so much again! ^^

Got it, ty! And ofc ^^

I'll go ahead and transfer the boys over for ya