


6 years, 5 months ago


Name Saturn
Age over 1000
Gender NB, He/Him
Orientation Ukn.
Species Cat Deity
Designer Ukn.
Value Ukn.
Status NFT/S
D-does the S-S-StarFelt Galaxy have some protection n-need? 

"I plan on Saturn being like a Space Deity that is known for protecting the different galaxies. He lives on a moon distant from Resella, which allows him to access the different places that require his help. Though he's supposed to be a deity, he's actually a scared-cat and doesn't always want to be in the action." - @jichulichu

Saturn is a Deity who lives in space. He's known for Protecting different Galaxies, and is thus believed in by many people. it's been believed that he lives on a moon distant from Resella, which allows him to access the different galaxies in need of help.

Even though he's a Space Deity, his personality is the opposite of Brave. He's a Scaredy-Cat, often getting scared of the most simple of things. Action is his thing either, he doesnt always want to be in it.. even though he protects Galaxies. Saturn's very shy, and doesnt interact with other Deities out of Social Anxiety.