


1 year, 9 months ago
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$60.00 USD

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Enter Draven, an anthropomorphic blue merle and white American Pit Bull Terrier with warm brown eyes, embodying a unique blend of strength, loyalty, and gentle charisma. Draven's physical presence exudes both power and grace, as their blue merle coat is a captivating canvas adorned with intricate patterns of white. Their three distinct personality traits include unwavering loyalty, a gentle demeanor that belies their strength, and an innate sense of empathy that fosters connections with beings of all walks of life.

Draven's backstory unfolds in the heart of a vibrant city where anthropomorphic beings and humans coexist. Raised in a community that values diversity, Draven learned the importance of unity and understanding. Their upbringing was marked by the guidance of wise mentors who instilled in them the principles of compassion and justice. As they grew, Draven became a respected figure in their community, known for their fair judgment and willingness to lend a helping paw.

Draven's goals extend beyond personal achievements, aspiring to be a source of strength and support for their community. With unwavering loyalty, they serve as a protector of those in need, whether anthropomorphic or human. Draven's gentle demeanor becomes a comforting presence, bridging gaps and fostering harmony among diverse individuals. In their journey, Draven strives to break down barriers and build a world where acceptance and understanding flourish, leaving a legacy of compassion and unity for generations to come.