Valerie Deadman



6 years, 8 months ago


She's one of my main characters and I use her a lot while rping. She used to be sonic fan character but she has changed a lot from those times and I think her as anthro instead these days.


Valerie is knight who was made out of magic to be the pure protector.  She tought the round table's knights to fight. She was "mother" of the  Lancelot by giving the Lady of the Lake one of her hairs. Later on she  sacrafised her soul to Devil so she could save her son's life. By  cursing her, Devil made her to work for her and made deal that if she  would stole the kings crown, she would be releazed from her curse. This  made her enemy of the kindom and his son. After hundres of years she  broke free from the curse. Her soul was corrupted by darkness. She  traveled to Japan and in seremony meet the kitsune that she fall in love  with.
This badass cat is good fighter with swords. Cause of her  corrupted soul she can control shadows and darkness. She is really bad  with using guns and bows and is easily hypnotized.
She cannot be  killed but she feels pain just like any other living being which makes  her just as vunerable to the injuries as others.
(I want to add that this is really rough explanation and there is more to it but you have to read about it later when I get my comic going.)