Josée Jitsugyoka




Josée is the main character of my OC's story. She's rich and corrupt, but there's a hint that maybe there's more to her than that.

She was made in a test tube and kept secret from the world for most of her early life. She was born male, as a genetic clone of her father, James. But transitioned to female during her teenage years. Her father was very supportive and did everything in his power to make sure she was happy. Unfortunately Josée soon learned why she was created, she was meant to replace her father, due to his declining health. She was raised to be the ideal CEO of her father's company. When he did die, she inherited all current operations within the business, and she has since increased profits tenfold. She is now the second richest person on the planet.

Despite all her success she felt empty inside, she was alone. Cut back to the 90's, James Jitsugyoka has money, the man is loaded. His bank account compensates for his terrible looks. He banged so many women, he doesn't even remember all of them. One night he's about to go down on this lady named [REDACTED]. [REDACTED]  is a special kind of character, the kind crazy enough to slit a condom. That night, Josée's half sister Jamby was conceived (She's gonna be Important later). 

By later I mean now btw, because after taking a DNA test Jamby decides to move in with Josée, several more looney losers enter her life afterwards and it warms her icy heart.