Trane (minor character)



1 year, 10 months ago


73463357_jSwZtLVmPPSnL87.png                                             theme credit: Wren_Song (x)

Trane S. Mascal. vocal social butterly.

may 25
5,6''/171 cm
Trane is a young transmasculine individual living his best life loving to wear stribes and sing his heart out now that he has gotten the voice he always dreamed of being on testosterone for well over a year. 

social butterfly .confident. vocal
Trane is a young, sociable boy who found himself after coming out as trans in his early teens. However, the difference between who he was before starting testosterone a little over a year ago is as night and day: He now seems way more comfortable with himself and that especially goes for his voice (the part he was most dysphoric about before hrt). It can be hard to make him shut up at times. 
Trane are a vocal hater of gender stereotypes so he has made it his mission to wear as many pastel colours (especially blue and pink) as possible. He is a big lover of oversized hoodies which he called his 'dysphoria hoodies' given they hide every curve on his still pre-op body. 
Trane has always loved animation where we would find comfort in the fairy tale stories told by animation companies such as Disney, Dreamworks and Don Bluth. Sadly, he cannot draw himself so the dream of becoming an animator died a long time ago. He sings a lot however so the dream has now been replaced with one of making the title song to an animated movie or series. 


  • singing
  • hearing himself talk
  • meeting new people
  • queer rep in media
  • mint chokolate
  • phone calls (bad memories)
  • "9-5" jobs
  • family gatherings
  • Trane was created as the avatar for my master thesis to symbolise the experiences of four transmasculine people and their relationship to their voice(s). 
  • His middlename is Sullivan which is an ode to one of my childhood favourite characters, James "Sully" Sullivan from Monsters Inc. 
  • Trane is the fourth character I've designed using a pride flag as the palette - the other three being Teo (asexual), Gabriel (rainbowflag) and Oscar (agender) 
  • Trane's favourite movie is Disney's the Little Mermaid (1989). This is a nod to the cover I made of my thesis where I drew him in the scene where Ariel gets her voice stolen by Ursula.

design notes
  • pink eyes
  • diamond shaped jaw (pointy chin)
  • wears a binder under the hoodie (skincoloured or black)
  • hair pushed to the left.
backstory - childhood

Trane is the youngest child of the Mascal family. His childhood mirrors that of many young transboys being labelled a tomboy when he didn't care for typical girl stuff such as playing with dolls or wear dresses. 
At the same time he was able to mask his transgender feelings for everyone including himself due to his enjoyment of animations especially Disney princess movies such as The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Mulan. Another childhood favourite of his was Tumberlina. 
Today Trane can acknowlegde that all these movies in one way or the other was about a person not feeling completely safe in their situation and then finding themselves getting thrusted into some sort of transition (very litteral with Ariel). 
Trane would beg his parents for an Ariel costume at age 6 and wear said costume every Halloween until he grew out of it. This was the only dress his parents succesfully got him to wear. His room sort of looked like Ariel's treassure trove as well being painted light blue and have lots of clutter everywhere given young Trane liked to collect pretty rocks and seashells. 

backstory -teen years

coming out and seeking HRT

Trane  didn't think of his gender before turning 14 and people around him  started to hit puberty. When the boys around Trane began to get deeper  voices it occured to him his own sounded immature and wrong to him  making him very dysphoric. His body seemed underdeveloped and wrong for  him as well yet it was always his voice that made him the most  uncomfortable. He hid those feelings behind the excuse of him just being  a late bloomer since he only got his first period at age 15. Yet when  the feelings of unease only worsened when puberty hit him for real he  finally realised, he might be a transman. 

At  the age of 17 he came out to his parents and older sister who were all  very supportive of his choice. He got connected to the local gender  clinic where he was encouraged to socially transition. However his  journey on testosterone was delayed due to mental issues and the clinic  wanting to test him for bipolar, adhd and autism. He was diagnosed with  the latter two around his 19th birthday and so he only got to start  transitioning medically after half a year on adhd medication to see  whether he was stabile.

backstory - present

Trane immediately  noticed improvements in his mood and well being as soon as his voice  started to drop around 2,5 months into HRT. Having been a shy yet  approachable boy beforehand he now blossomed into a social butterfly  that never wants to stop talking even at the stage where doing so  physically hurt because of the growing of the larynx. After a bit over a  year on testosterone he has never felt better. He is not yet sure if he wants any surgeries since his dysphoria at most days seems managable now his voice fits with his gender. However at some days he does wonder how it would feel to have a flatter chest.
Maya Lihn Meyers
concert buddy

They two became friends when they met at a local punk show at some point. Maya and Trane bonded over their love of singing although Trane is much more into softer rock and pop while Maya prefers screaming along to punk and metal songs. Trane has still to meet most of Maya's werewolf family however since the two only really meet at gigs. 

nectarine clark

Trane's family is friends with Nectarine's so he will babysit her and her sister Clemmentine at times. Nectarine finds Trane very cool especially with how he always seems to wear pastel. Trane on the other hand sees very much of his past self in Nectarine. 

clementine clark

Trane's family is  friends with Clementine's so he will babysit her and her sister  Nectarine at times. The two bond over having a similar clothing style and both being big nerds about animations. Clementine, unlike Trane, is pretty skilled at drawing so Trane is a tiny bit jalous but mostly proud. He will often get drawings from her of different Disney princesses that he proudly hang on his fridge.