Chicken Wing



1 year, 9 months ago


nameChicken Wing pronounsHe/Him age10 raceN/A occupationN/A statusnfs


BG by- Tsunamiaou   Cat gif by- butterkilk


 Chicken Wing a lost prince from crystal forest.
Chicken wander on a train and fell asleep and ended up in Sakura City. He was later adopted by Angel and now lives in Mochi apartment rent free!


Chicken Wing is a naive and happy kid (like Mochi) He doesn’t understand most stuff, but he tries his best! Chicken loves to run around the room and go on mini adventures (like going to a small forest or to the lake, a beach and ect) He can’t speak well and tend to make small noises like- mew, meow, meep, meew, pew, peew and other cute noises (kinda like a cat) but he can say some stuff not a lot of stuff…

When Chicken is really happy, his tail wags and he beings to purr! When he’s happy he tends to cuddle up right next to Pastel or Mochi, but he tends to cuddle up against Angel and hangs out with him while he reads or watches tv. During his free time, he draws stuff and colors stuff in his coloring book or he’s reading a book (mainly starting at the pictures)

Chicken is a curious kid. He tends to walk off to see something if it catches his eye… if he can, he’ll try to eat (bugs, crystals, grass, a melted gummy candy on the sidewalk.) he tends to eat crabs and snails... so whenever Angel sees Chicken picks up a crab and open his mouth, Angel quickly grabs him  and yeets the crab back into the sea (which upsets chicken cause he wants to eat the crab)

 Chicken often thinks about his family and deeply miss his dad. when the rest of his family is asleep, he sneaks out of Mochi‘s room and tends to look at the stars, wishing he’ll find his dad again… he sometimes falls asleep and then wakes up and then he heads back in and goes back to bed… maybe he’ll get to see his dad one day…








chicken is a naive hyper kid, he very talkative. he is rather stubborn when it comes to current stuff, like doing homework and doing chores. he is very curious about the world and will get distracted if something stocks his interest.

when scared, chicken will hiss and will claw/bite you, if picked up. if chicken escape's, he will hide somewhere and will hiss at anyone and will bite if you try show him, that's he's safe or show him, that he knows you. if realizes it's you, he'll stop biting and lick where he bit if he recognizes you.

chicken is kinda like a cat, before sleeping he'll bread the blanket and curl up a ball hugging his tail (when in axol-deer form, he's rolled up like a ball. like a cat.)


  • chicken tail is bigger than his body.
  • chicken is 4'0 

  • chicken is in middle school; his speech isn't the best but he's getting good grades :]
  • chicken has a twin name, chicken nugget.

  • crabs (to eat)
  • flower/crystals (to eat)
  • sweet's
  • drawing
  • comic's
  • sea life
  • the dark
  • loud noises
  • pickle's
  • content
  • Cloudii
  • Zero (mochi's dad)
