


6 years, 5 months ago



Dead name: Andrew (please do not use, it is included in case pre-transition information gets added)

Height: medium/average

Body type: angular and thin

Age: early 20s, gets mistaken for much younger

Personality: creative, clever, focused

Occupation: college undergraduate/art student, work-study part-timer at Justine's 

Skills: photo editing, puzzle games, making weird stuff, punning

Alex is a favored art student currently working in sculpture and print-making. However, she's unsure of what art discipline she wants to stick with for the remaining time left until graduation. Her professors let her do her own thing because the scope of Alex's projects are strange and ever-changing. The results are always impeccable but hard to grade. The professors also desperately hope Alex graduates soon and at least one plans to go on sabbatical once she does so.

Despite her inability to stick to a discipline, Alex is intensely focused on her art. She doesn't strive for perfection, but rather, self-satisfaction and fun. This causes Alex to work long hours into the night.

Alex hates coffee, which many other students on campus chug. Instead of relying on caffeine, Alex uses nicotine patches to improve cognitive performance. Alex wears them on her face.

Alex's parents fully support Alex being Alex, knowing who she was before Alex came out to them.  Alex is Alex and they love her.

However, Alex's parents struggle to understand her area of study. They had high hopes of Alex becoming a doctor or an engineer, like themselves (mom is a doctor and dad is an engineer). What concerns them even more is that Alex seems uncertain of what direction to take.  However, they both agreed to accept whatever choice Alex makes, though Alex worries about disappointing them. Unbeknownst to her, mom and dad excitedly check Instagram for art project updates.