Kane A



1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Kane A 

Age: 21-22

Birthday: April 15th

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender Identity: Cisgender Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Human

Height: 5'10"

Personality Traits: WIP

Setting Context: WIP, same storyline as Yukio, Vincent, Ryo, Nina, Claude, and Maeve. (So far.)

Backstory or Story info:  WIP

Relationships: Yukio (Bestfriends) Ryo (Bestfriends / Childhood Friends) Vincent (Bothers him, eventually starts warming up to him) 

(Kane, Ryo, Yukio, Vincent) Kane and Ryo are childhood friends but then later Yukio comes long and it’s a trio but then LATER Vincent comes long. 

Kane and Ryo - Childhood best friends, Kane is only slightly shorter than Ryo (one inch) and never hears the end of it. Their dynamic is closer to siblings than close friends despite in reality just being best friends. It is very rare to see Ryo without Kane and vice versa. Kane is very serious and overprotective of his friends and much of Ryo’s life style stresses him out and makes him worry. He kind of acts like the friend groups mom friend haha.

Kane and Yukio - Met through Ryo and Kane actually felt really bad for Yukio at first. They are also really close and look out for each other a lot, Yukio doesn’t usually make Kane worry but when Vincent came along with his reputation and aura of insincerity at first which he picked up on he was very worried. Kane is seen to be kind of a hothead towards Vincent for a while, worried for Yukio but later comes to realize the two actually are good for each other and lays off a bit, even apologizing. (Vincent agrees that he was insincere at the start and didn’t have the best intentions so he wasn’t really mad and accepted the apology. They never really get close but they become friends.)

Want more inspiration? here's outfit ideas and a playlist, feel free to be creative though regardless! have fun

☁ Pinterest: (Outfits) ☁ https://pin.it/1cjaZWp

Spotify Playlist: (Link was Too Long)