


1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Orca bunny


MTF transgender


🧸 Name: Kazahana

🧸 Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Kaz, Hana

🧸 Pronouns: She/Her

🧸 Age: 18

🧸 Sexuality: Homosexual

🧸 Plush: Namiko

🧸 Occupation: High School Student

🧸 Group: Heroes

Kazahana was born male but during junior high she began to feel something was wrong anytime she was referred to as a male. She decided to confide in her brother about it and he told her to try going out and referring to herself as female to other people. When she did she realized how much more comfortable she felt. She was surprised by her brother when she came back home to find he had bought her some more feminine clothes and told her that he would talk to their parents with her when she felt ready. He kept his word and when Kazahana came out to them about it they fully supported her.

Wanting to break away from her life as a male more she asked to switch to a public school where she could start fresh as a female so when high school came around her parents did just that. She has honestly never liked how prissy the more prestigious school felt so at the new school she decided to relax more with her studies and enjoy life. Doing this made some kids tease her about being unintelligent but she didn't care since she knew she was way smarter than they'd ever be, but to her surprise a kid suddenly stood up for her. Ullr quickly became her first friend at the school, and eventually she made more friends with some other kids she got partnered with in her chemistry class. After school she works part time at the Aquarium with her brother and on the weekend will often hit the beach with her friends.