

1 year, 8 months ago



Having been born of a mortal mother and Hypnos, personified God of Sleep, Mila has always been aware of her demigod status. Though it might be a bit hard to prove, this fact has never seemed to dissuade her in at least trying; taking on whatever opportunity was given to her. The local shepherds were losing sheep? She'd get them back (or what was left of them)!! Rumors of there being a new hero? She could go assist them, surely! Hypnos being completely without interest in claiming her threw some wrenches in the plan, but Mila persisted nonetheless, out of a sense of personal honor and the need to prove to everyone that her mother wasn't a liar and that she, herself, was capable of being someone worth noticing, and worth being proud of.

Mila has spent her life up until now as normally as one would expect. Her and her mother lived on the outskirts of a populus, and there was rarely any sort of excitement or misfortune that wasn't brough on by Mila herself. When rumors of the Questings and gods and goddesses offering their chidlren a chance at being favored reached her, of course she would go. This was what she had been waiting for! If she did well enough, if she was the best, then maybe finally...

Mila is tanned, moles scattering the whole of her body but most noticeably found beneath her lips and above her right eyebrow. Her hair is sun bleached and has continued to lighten the older she grows, and there are always always bags beneath her eyes, despite the amount she sleeps.


  • Abilities are (soon to be expanded upon)
    • Minor hypnosis, brought on only by the pendant she carries
    • Brief levitation, only when sleeping or unconscious
    • Accidental dream walking, cannot be controlled
    • Resistance against any sort of sleeping draught
    • Self taught dagger combat skills
  • Is not a good fighter; when she has the option she knows she's much better at making an escape than standng ground.
  • Uncontrollably sleepy...her energeticness would be more noticeable if it weren't for her constant drowsy, languid state.