Sorry for the mass ping but I’m selling this Kchu design for $350USD.  I may look at trades but USD is priority.

King-Monhwa Angelfonds Fruit-Batz starallies KitsuneJess Bubbyspexx HeartlessDemonAsil ege Crandria2001 wolfs42 TiramisuRat pawszii beehemoss AradiaArts Rvbberducky Miicchii SugarH1gh Lostowns @cleozip Starlit12 RozeFallz Maveh CrookedAnchors braindaamage spirit5678 SinisterBatFluff rusticcritter orielle TOMBOYWOLF SmokeyWolf exobot TinyLeafie UfoDove xpl0siveclawz ProxyArt PrimalSVBR Tigerlily7877 Lovely_love UnpromptedPizza samantha Noxasol animatorfun angelbitez Reshek OreozHere LizarddInLavender Sin_Fall Zuturot Tanaka_C0re Keelhauled mansion Yuumaa ToucanDraws jjax aerojourney Shibkit Pockyfoxx kodapopp SportyBubbles Wardah Candle-wax AnShiraishi MicahWhoIsPointless tanukitune AngelCnder14 kings_cove RollerSkatez WishUponAPaw Nori_DRAWZ AmuletIsNotHere efete Bahja-Blix sailor_marzi StrawberryMola starryghosts tyrannicalTerror PastelWolf Polarox @vn0wl twistedtigr Yehn HoneyBones Czelsejek Dusty_Ashes Fenrir-Twilight-Star corpsenotfound_ bunkum Viiv LvlUpPup @itsrainingtacos SilvarooHub Aspxnike 030froppy030 lucaxien kingscreek Blapii _KARIBOU_SALES FlafyJunikorn Sqwik Flufshy NightcoreLights Fraya_Amber AlterBoi RokuTV sheina AFatLizard YeenPawtel fabie implimie alfxrr Simbi_Bondi Charliie Loveduck Hacerfox ResaleAccount 1nightmareash1 ColdPixelz Cinder_Draws_xxx puppydog_error milkrice Midnightstar579 PlantDog Woshimii T0mme_ Naravayax Wilb @@alysha_alya jumps Demon_Zory Chero Fando ECSTASY Chooliw akizura JBB Kayode King_Yote frogtalon Tokio27 Asm0d3us ethantheflareon staticdreamzz loserr 4mpor4 YENAMADARABA Sokola Foxplushy astracorvus _artemis_ PrincessOpal Zaradyel Kvmokat skunkman Damnnation

Feel free to go through my toyhouse and see if anyone interests you. I can do USD as an add on

i have this swap?

Does this dude interest you :0?

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I didn’t see anyone that I connected with.  Thank you for offering!

I adore this bean so much

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You have very pretty characters but I’m not seeing any I’d trade this bean for.  Thank you for offering!