Crecia Selestewa



6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Crecia Selestewa

Age: 17~18

Sexuality: Pansexual

Status: Taken (Willing to Multi-ship/RP!)

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4~5'5

Weight: ???

Species: Cyborg


Crecia was born to a wealthy, prestigious background. Her parents, whom were always quite busy, worked as researchers and scientists for the goverment, and conducted experiments, researched cures for sicknesses and generally worked to serve the people of the world with their research. However, the one thing they failed to do was give their child proper love and care, as Crecia was often left in the care of maids and housekeepers, recieving avoidance and often times, neglect. Despite knowing her parents were emotionally distant, Crecia believed in them and their efforts, and patiently wait for them to one day come to her side. One day, Crecia had conducted a strange, but fatal illness. She seemed to be growing more pale, fragile and weak by the day, eventually having her to be forcefully kept in the mansion and bedridden, never to go outside or make friends, like a seemingly normal girl. Despite doctors and therapists coming to her aid, Crecia failed to show any sign of recovery or improvement. Her parents, although worried, saw this not as a mistake and a horrible thing, but rather, a twisted oppritunity...At the age of 10yrs old, Crecia's mother and father had her accompany them to their work, seeming to be sweeter, kinder and more affectionate that usual, which made the sick child gleeful and joyful, despite the pains and dirty coughings that left stains on napkins. After a while of showing her around, her mother led her to a chamber deep in the basement halls of the facility. It was then she stated she would return, only for Crecia to be locked in with sleeping gas. After fighting the gas for a few moments, she collapsed, only to awake and tied up in a research lab, with tools, chemicals and a robotic-human blueprint on the wall. For many years after, Crecia was the guinea pig of the facility. She was experimented on forcefully using tools, chemicals and other dangerous things, and though she cried and screamed for help, her parents did not hear her, nor did other scientists. Until fatefully, one day after all testings and the transition from human -> cyborg was fully completed, she used her newfound intelligence and poweress to hack her way through the facility, running away and avoiding any damage or being caught by FBI agents. After running away for quite some time, she waited until she was far enough to cut off any sort of signal or contact with the facility, leaving them unable to find her. Although the years where heavily damaging and traumatic, Crecia tries to forget them and move on, trying to accept herself and her new form. ------------------------ A few years later: Crecia is generally a cheerful, bright and warm-hearted girl. She enjoys jokes and helping others when needed, and enjoys making others smile. She was once fully human, but after dangerous experimentation, was created to be a human-robot hybrid. Due to this, she can still experience, feel and express human emotions and sensations. After leaving the facilities, she was able to find shelter and work her way up to learning human culture, communicating effectively with others and even making friends and romantic relations with others like and unlike her. She works as a waitress at a cafe, and seems to greatly enjoy her job, as she can talk to customers and learn more about life as she goes along. She seems to have a genuine love for flowers, growing some in the garden of her home, and wearing flower-like designs. More than anything else, she greatly loves her brother, friends and boyfriend, Koh, considering them her real family.