🍩 Turron 🍩's Comments

Doña means lady but dona means doughnut so accidental doughnut :P 

Have a doughnut :] 🤌🏼🍩

(Note: If you want constant access to the ñ get a Spanish keyboard on your settings cause for obvious reasons that’s what I have running lol)


Oh sorry, what I meant was that the character ñ was not being kept by the character tagger because it's not a character it recognizes-- like how when you add multiple spaces into a tagger, the tagger removes all the excess spaces. But at the same time, the character tagger doesn't allow multiple of the same tag.

Which means that if you want to be spooky, you can do this!


(Also, since turron is nougat, and dona is doughnut, nougat donut, and frankly that sounds like it will kill your insides RUN)

Yeah I think it did that to me with the e in Pokemon or something once but the B e a n thing HDDOJASIODJAISODJ i might use it if I ever feel the need to spam some reference or meme or something asdklajskda

(true don't eat that)

And it'll actually work with illegal characters even better, seeing as they don't even need extra spaces between them, just put a different illegal character at the end of each tag and boom, looks like the same tag to the unenlightened!! Warning though, it will start to clog up your tags if you do it too often--

Oh yeah you right. Save for only the very funny >;))