
1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Date of Last Drawing


Defining Characteristic


Character Motif(s)

Undecided, mostly a "for fun" OC

Character Summary

An awkward WARP Cleanup Agent who serves as a foil to North.


She/her, they/them








To work under a Wing is a privilege that many in the City would kill to have. Maeve had hoped to become a Feather, but she would have never imagined getting a contract offer from W Corp aboard their fleet of WARP trains, even more so now that she knows of the horrors behind their functioning. But despite such surprises and the strange expectations within her line of work, Maeve is content with her life, putting people back together and apologetically slaying unruly passengers with her space-ripping shortsword until they can properly be reverted.

At first, like any self-respecting individual would when finding out the terrible secret of the WARP trains, Maeve vowed to never take a train ever again despite its convenience. But ever since meeting North, their opinion on the matter has changed; occasionally, she can be spotted "hanging out" with North in a variety of places and situations, riding in the economy-class car of a WARP train being the most common activity the duo seem to enjoy partaking in. It doesn't take a detective to realize that, oddly enough, suffering what is sure to be thousands of years of horror and suffering means little when compared to the strange priority of hanging out with her new best friend at work. The most common reasoning to herself is that neither of them will remember anything anyways... though, what she frequently glazes over is how the idea of being stuck in time prison with such a deranged individual is something irresistible.

Despite her timid and awkward demeanor, Maeve is entirely the opposite of a coward, with a majority of her shaky attitude coming from social insecurity rather than a craven personality. At heart, Maeve is curious and is most at home exploring new opportunities and concepts. Unfortunately, this type of preserved bravado is exactly the reason they've dug themselves deep into the nuances of their job as a cleanup agent, as well as shrugging off the existential horror of boarding a dimension warping time prison train to hang out with a close friend. 

Maeve is commonly a victim of understimulation, and as a result likes to partake in a multitude of hobbies, however strange and unique they might be. They are an amateur soap carver, impulsive cleaner, have a strange interest in anatomy and health sciences, and have a few culinary tricks up their sleeve.