Silver Lu



6 years, 5 months ago



【 Name 】 Silver Lu
【 Called 】 Sil, Silver
【 Age 】 21 years old
【 Gender】 Female
【 Sexuality 】 Straight
【 Race 】 Shiny Eevee
【 Blood Type 】 AB+
【 Breast size 】 34C
【 Origin 】 Unknown
【 Personality 】 Energetic, Sweet, Caring, Social though can be shy, Childish, Protective in her own way, Affectionate,calm, can be cranky if she is tired
【 Role 】 Head chief at Kite's Cafe, Advertiser, Mascot
【 Best Friends 】 Nirazi, Kite, Adam, Eclipse and Core
【 Likes 】 Sweet things, Sleeping, Being read stories, Playing tag or rough housing, Soft and fluffy things, music, cuddles, Piggy back rides, being picked up, Playing dress up, snow
【 Dislikes 】 : Drakkon(one of my OCs), Bullies, Sour and bitter things, demons(she finds them to scary), school, being left alone, Dark places, Most insects
【 Theme 】 N/A
【 Made by 】 Silver-Lu


Born in a adoption center her mother ran away with a houndoom to raise her. her other siblings were given to trainers while her fur being different she was outcasted. Growing up in the wild her mom found abandoned eevee eggs and raised them as her own making silver her currently family. She cant talk due to no human interactions but she is very social and loves all.


Kite Arell

[ Boyfriend ]

Kite is the steryotypical heroic hero and is somtimes seen as over powered. He is the prince of a clan of dragons and takes his job seriously. He fell in love with Silver and vowed to protect her at all costs. When he is not leading his people he spends time running a small cafe and reading books. If you mess with Silver he will hunt you down to the ends of the multiverse and END YOU.

Zack Lu

[ Brother ]

Her very annoying over protective brother. He isnt very well liked by any of his siblings.

Core Hawkins

[ Best friend ]

Her babysitter while kite is away. she loves to play and be around him.

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