


8 years, 7 months ago


Name: Bisoux

Age:  23

Gender: Male 

Height: 5'6

Species:  Dainty (Dainty-Dictionary #43)

Occupation:  Housecleaner 

Significant Other: N/A


Bisoux showed up at a mansion hoping to seduce his way into a rich host but has somehow ended up being a literal maid. 

He is haughty and quick tempered, but a hard worker who can't half-ass anything so he's actually really good at his job, not that he particularly takes pride in that fact. Things aren't all bad though, and he gets to live of luxury when he's not working, and he enjoys the company of the rest of the staff and likes that he can be more and more bossy as he has moves up in rank. The mansion owner shows hints of romantic interest at Bisoux now but the spark has been lost in a bucket of pine sol. However, the two of them get along just fine with their weird relationship of near friendship but mostly boss and worker, and Bisoux considers him his host anyways.


Setting: Set in the modern human world, Bisoux works and lives at a large mansion in a wealthy neighborhood- A lifestyle he is not used too! Bisoux lived in a cheap apartment across town prior to this new gig, and is still getting used to navigating his new social situation, being polite isn't exactly one of his skill sets.