


Basic Info

Firestorm, 24, male

Firestorm, Storm, Straight


Temporary Reference for now!

I am flying miles above myself and my past
I don't want to face everything, I'm not ready yet
I fear what will happen if I try to return to my life
I don't want to admit my own doubt
I refuse to think so much about every scenario in which I will fail
I've made my mistakes, and I've suffered the consequences of them
As I sit with myself in silence
The wind blowing in my scales and whistling through my thoughts
I start to reminice over the good times
The fond memories
I remember being told
No matter how bad things get
They will improve
I am curious if it is true
I think about that statement to realize how true it can be
No matter how long things are horrible
They will always improve
I smile to myself
Feeling better
Knowing that even if I think things are bad
They can't stay that way forever
My wings are starting to get tired, and I'm ok with it
Because now
I can say
That I'm more than ready to face myself

Text-credit goes to (c)