Reinalt Gauss



2 years, 1 month ago


Reinalt Gauss “The Wolf”

Name: Reinalt

Age: 30-45 (at intro, now about 50 or so)

Height: 6’5”

Weight: 230 lbs

Gender: Male

Race: Human (Nat. Born Lycan)

Appearance: Gauss is a tall and sturdy man with graying hair and yellow eyes. His hair is rather messy and long, often tied back into a bun or ponytail. He’s got a good amount of stubble on his face, but even more scars to mar his features. A thick scar trails from his lip and up the left side of his jaw, and more cut across his face and eyebrow. His features, while considered attractive for his age are sharp and he usually looks agitated or far too serious. When at home he often wears a simple pair of brown trousers, a tunic with either buttoned up front, or drawstrings. When in the forests or elsewhere he wears several layers of clothing and furs, a wolf-pelt attached to his back and shoulders as a cloak. He also wears a hood, arm bracers and heavily worn leather boots. Despite looking like a typical hunter, he carries no bow, as he usually hunts as a wolf. When nude his body is covered in a multitude of scars from conflicts with humans, beasts, and other wolves. His right shoulder bearing the most recent injury from a silver bullet, the edges blacked and quickly stitched.

His wolf form retains a similar human shape, aside from the claws, legs and his head bearing the resemblance to a wolf. He’s covered in graying fur, patchy at some spots where the scars are prominent, though his visible skin is dark in color. His extremities are darker than the rest of his pelt, owning to his original coloration before he’d started silvering from age.

Skin tone: Tanned

 Hair color:  Greying

Eye color: Yellow

Build: Muscular and sturdy

Markings/Tattoos: None

Scars: Many, most prominent are the scars across his face.


Profession(s): Hunter, Woodcarver, Carpenter

Level: 10


HP:15/19 (human), 38/38 (beast)

Effects of healing /2 due to silver poisoning and overwhelmed will, affects natural healing to stop


Skills: [70/70] (*skills are innate skills due to being a Lycan) Cannot be charmed/feared

Axe -  6 [+3]

Knife – 6 [+3]

Unarmed – 20 [+10]  1d5

Stealth – 14 [+7]

Bluff- 4[+2]

Climb- 8[+4]

Acrobatics- 4[+2]

Skinning – 8 [+4]

Track (Animal)* – 20 [+10]

Track (Human)* - 20 [+10]

Survival (Forest)* – 10 [+5]

Survival (Mountain)* - 10 [+5]

Survival (Nomad)* - 10 [+5]

Lycan Stats: x2 hp +10 unarmed +10 stealth

38 HP 

Skills: [70/70] (*skills are innate skills due to being a Lycan)

Axe -  6 [+3]

Knife – 6 [+3]

Unarmed – 30 [+15]  2d4

Stealth – 24 [+12]

Bluff- 4[+2]

Climb- 8[+4]

Acrobatics- 4[+2]

Skinning – 8 [+4]

Track (Animal)* – 20 [+10]

Track (Human)* - 20 [+10]

Survival (Forest)* – 10 [+5]

Survival (Mountain)* - 10 [+5]

Survival (Nomad)* - 10 [+5]



12 movement – 24 sprint


Heals rapidly – every 2 rounds unless struck by fire or silver



Silver deals double damage when struck, triple on a crit. Silver injuries take normal heal times as would a similar injury to a human. Hp damage in combat due to silver remains even if other injuries heal. Ie – perm 6 damage from a silver dagger, 8 damage from other weapons heal after 2 rounds.

Fire ceases healing of that injury for 6 rounds, hp negatives due to fire remain permanent until 6 rounds have passed.

Racial Traits:

Movement is doubled while transformed. Stealth and Unarmed skill raised by +10 (a +5 bonus), innate skill with tracking and survival.


Hunting, Forests, the Cold, Beautiful Women, children, wolves, Carving.


Sickness, Silver, magic fire, poachers, monster hunters, humans, wolfsbane, rotten smells.


Gauss is often distrusting, gruff and rather unfriendly. He’d rather kill someone then take the chance of being exposed. He also has a strong dislike for people who harm young, of any race and species. He’s known to be lonely and is seeking to possibly make a new pack following the death of his old, though he’s loath to admit and much less to tell others that he is just a lonely man. He can be cunning and a rather large ass to those he cares nothing for, which is nigh everyone.


Much of Gauss’ early life was spend living with his birth pack, all naturally born lycan. He learned most of his trade from them, building their small settlements as they wandered across the lands in search of prey and safety, as well as how to control his change to a beast. Once he’d reached maturity, he left the pack in search of his own, wandering for several years until he found his late mate, a human woman. They stayed together for a long while, initially just traveling and bonding as it took the wolf some time to get accustomed to humans, and then complete the ritual to change her. Following her change to a beast, she’d eventually conceived a child, not for a lack of trying as Gauss suspected she was infertile, and both had started to lose hope. Nothing much to note happened during her pregnancy, aside from Gauss hunting the local wildlife to feed his ravenous wife, and then going about daily chores until she was due. After nearly 9 months, she then gave birth to their first child when both were around 23 years of age.

Gauss was rather inexperienced in caring for children, but the birth of his daughter was one of the happiest moments of his life. Though that was soon cut short as humans had discovered their home in the forests near a small village in the southern portion of Akoth Nymyr. A mob had formed and they’d burned Gauss’ home, almost trapping his wife and infant child, but the man had changed to a beast and killed them, allowing their escape. His wife wasn’t fond of his solution to the problem, fully feeling she could reason with the locals. They’d argued but it soon became moot as the pair had snuck onto the first boat they could find, seeking safer regions and a fresh start.

The boat trip had been difficult, and while the two had been as quite as possible it was difficult to placate their young daughter, who’s wails of hunger or discomfort often brought unwanted attention. While Gauss had rather violently disposed of most of the attention, they were soon found out and deposited on the isle of Umbril, all to the efforts of Gauss’ wife, who had infact dissuaded the sailors from just throwing them overboard. The pair then went to making a small home in the wilds of the Western Crescent, living there for two years.

They’d all but avoided the conflicts of the budding settlement of Crow’s Point, but they soon fell prey to the resolution. The settlement had been plague by attacks of feral lycan, called Man-eaters by the residents, and in their confusion and panic they’d come after Gauss’ wife. She’d inadvertently stumbled upon a few hunters one night while teacher her pup to scavenge berries and fruit, and the men had captured her and the child, torturing and eventually killing her, and then harming the child so badly she’d not last much longer. Gauss had come to his home ransacked once more, smelling the blood of his wife on the wind, and eventually finding her corpse and his fatally wounded daughter left to rot in the forests. He’d cradled his daughter as she bled out, shortly after burying them in unmarked graves on the mountain.

From that point on, 10 years had passed, all the while Gauss had internalized his suffering and pain. When he could no longer resist it, he’d found a young boy to be wandering in the forests. The boy was soon attacked by the monsters so often surrounding the area, and before he could think better of the temptation, he’d killed the monsters and mixed his blood with the boy. He’d then left the boy to either change or die, seeing as he was a human just like those who’d killed his family. He was indecisive about what he wanted, but eventually the boy changed, losing control inside the city walls. Gauss had intercepted the young werewolf before he could kill his friends, taking him to the forests, being followed back to where he had brought him. He soon then left after being burned by a mage, hoping the child would follow, but being rather disappointed as he’d not and the camp he’d thought of taking had slowly began to burn.

Notable Actions: NA

History on Isle: - Infected Conrad with Wolf blood.

Relations: NA

Extra: He’s always got sharp prominent canine teeth, and has a habit of growling and grumbling to convey his current feelings.

Hes been living stranded on a isle by himself for about 5+ years stuck with some annoying librarian that he intended to kill but bled all over from his chest wound. Said librarian turned into a werewolf in turn and gauss hates it. He is very tired and speaks in a gravely whisper due to a chest injury during the rift.