Pikari Dinra-Duris



2 years, 1 month ago


Pikari Dinra-Duris

Level 30

34 HP

170 SP

Bow: 50 +25

Unarmed: 20 +10

Stealth: 40 +20

Climb: 20 +10

Acrobatics: 40 +20

He's actually a half-demon (winged monkey creature) who can disguise himself as a human via supernatural means once per day, for 8 hours

Resistant to fire 


Longstrider Boots - increases movement by 6 blocks once per day for 1d30 rounds

Enchanted Cloak of forest beast - can assume the form of a monsterous creature while in the forest, gaining bonuses to stealth, unarmed, and acrobatics = to level.

Sigil of many identities = allows the wearer to supply blood once per day (1d4 hp worth) to assume a disguise of any race they've seen recently for 1d4 hours

Final Breath - bow - 2d4 dmg (long bow range)

10% chance to deal electric lightning damage (+1d6 dmg)

when landing the killing blow, the wielder regains 3d6 hp, or steals 1/3 of health damage from enemies when successful struck. Ie: 2d4 dmg = 3 (regains 1 hp)

6-30 block range

- works for some people for that fammmme 

Appears as a Xephest Human male, 5’11”, dark brown skin, red-brown dreadlock hair, imposing, lightbrown-amber eyes.