Conrad Hardy



2 years, 1 month ago


Name - Conrad Hardy

Age: 15 (at introduction, now around 20-15)

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 115 lbs

Gender: Male

Race: Human - Lycan

Appearance: Conrad is a moody teenager with a gloomy aura. He dresses in a dark jacket, prefers to keep the hood up, and doesn’t like to comb his hair. He has slightly pointed ears.

Skin tone: Tan

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Amber

Build: Skinny and slightly malnourished.

Markings/Tattoos: None

Scars: Bite and claw marks on arm.

Class: Rogue

Profession(s): Thief

Level: 5


14/14 HP

Skills: [45/45]

Knife - 10 [+5]

Stealth - 4 [+2]

Pickpocketing - 6 [+3]

Thievery - 6 [+3]

Unarmed- 19 [+8] 1d4

6 movement

Lycan Stats: x2 hp +10 unarmed +10 stealth

28 HP 

Skills: [45/45]

Knife - 10 [+5]

Stealth - 14 [+7]

Pickpocketing - 6 [+3]

Thievery - 6 [+3]

Unarmed- 29 [+14]

12 movement – 24 sprint


Heals rapidly – every 2 rounds unless struck by fire or silver

Inventory: Wolf Plush, Raven Dagger +2 ATK, Chicken Egg

Weaknesses: Silver, Fire, Stubborn and antisocial. Conrad doesn’t like to trust others and would much  rather be out doing his own thing. He also has a penchant for lying and trying to sneak off.

After being bitten in the forests Conrad has little to no control over his shapeshifting. He’ll turn during the full moon, when he’s highly stressed, or in pain. He thus wears long sleeves to try and conceal the injuries.


Horses, Wolves, Dragons, Candy.

Dislikes: Rabbits, Annoying kids, being told what to do, Curfews.

Personality: Conrad is the definition of moody, he doesn’t like to let other in, show that he’s having fun, or be chaperoned. He also doesn’t like getting yelled at and would rather shut down than respond properly. He gets rather nervous when lying and often fidgets about.


Backstory: Conrad has been an orphan since before he can really remember, but he’s always relied on Blake to help him through life. The two spent a good deal of years alone on the streets until they stowed away on a ship to Crow’s Point, where they were quickly taken In by Mira Talbot, the orphanage owner.

History on Isle:

After being taken in at the orphanage, Blake and Conrad seemed to grow apart as Blake left the life they’d had before, seeking honest work and spending most his days at the Rummy farms. Conrad on the other hand, had difficulties adjusting to not being alone on the streets, and more so from the distance forming between him and Blake. He spent many nights simply sneaking out of the orphanage and roaming the streets, getting into a good deal of trouble to no avail of Mira’s efforts. Even trying to find the Stonerats guild, though they didn’t seem to want to find him. After Alabaster started to work at the orphanage, Conrad has been rather disappointed and angry that she never leaves him be, following and constantly keeping an eye on him. Though when she was distracted by events in town, instead of going home from the bathhouse with the other kids, he lingered and then snuck away to the mines. He’d made himself a stash of supplies and found a room he could use as a residence, though his plans were halted when he was traveling to the room. A large human-like creature had slipped past the crevice in the collapsed tunnel, grabbing the boy by the arm and dragging him some feet before a light of a fire scared it away. Conrad had barely enough time to seek shelter in the room and inside a cabinet before Owenheim soon found him. The halforc assisted the terrified boy out of the mines and he’s yet to go back, but he’s also not yet returned to the orphanage, despite near three days passing.


Notable Actions: N/A


He is totally gay and spiteful :>