Kyze ✪



6 years, 3 months ago


  • Kyze Hyland

  • Age 20
  • Gender male
  • Race elf
  • Role protagonist
  • Story Decay of Terra Lancelle
  • Created 2015

"Write a quote here....."

Personality: shy, slow to warm up to strangers, friendly, happy go lucky, easily frightened

Personality (when fighting): very assertive border lining aggression, straightforward

((note: he went through a lot of harsh martial training as a child, so when he's in combat he tends be very defensive which is why he sometimes can act noticeably different from when he's relaxed.))

The bastard child of Terra Besara nobility, Kyze was raised in secrecy and was severely trained to do the dirty work of the family. During an assassination mission, Kyze failed. He remembered being knocked unconscious, but when he woke up, he was in an unknown place surrounded by endless fields. After finding a village and gathering some information, he discovered that he was no longer on Terra Besara. The people here didn’t even recognize that planet, he was now on the planet Terra Lancelle.

Although Kyze wanted to know what happened after he was captured that lead him to this other world, all he can do is look to the future. He was no longer bound by blood and could move freely. He took up work as a mercenary (basically an adventurer) since his only skills lies in combat. Originally working solo, after the land lady of the place he’s renting expresses her concerns of him working alone, he decided to humor her and work with another of her tenants, a swordsman named Talon, and his party.Kyze is surprised that he got along well with Talon and his party and occasionally works with them on jobs.

He can finally enjoy being alive and is living for his own sake.

Design Notes and Art Permissions

Eye Color: green

Hair Color: Black

- Is in a relationship with Talon, so i would especially love to see them together.

- Moderate Gore/Blood is okay (try to keep it related to battle)

- Otherwise no NSFW art without permission

- Try to stay in character if possible. Feel free to interpret

He does sometimes wear earrings. They can only be seen in a few drawings though

- Changing his clothes is allowed/ encouraged (he feels most comfortable in dark colors)

- Feel free to draw him with any of the characters in links, any of my characters, or even with your ocs if you have an idea.


DoB: date of birth
Origin: where they from
Height: how tall
Build: body type
Demeanor: content
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Fights primarily with his lance (technically its more of a spear but he calls it a lance).

Magic - primarily destructive spells like fire, and deception/illusion spells


He has an enormous amount of magic energy, although he can’t actually tap into most of it for spells. Due to this energy, he tends to attract Skykin (a lesser dragon race) who are drawn to magic energy.






Talon Fang

[ dating ] They originally met while renting from the same building. After Kyze starts working with Talon’s party, these two got along well. Although Kyze is more skilled at combat, he respects Talon’s determination and righteousness. These two were crushing on each other for awhile before they finally got together.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
