Danny Zimmerman



6 years, 5 months ago


TW –– mentions of past abusive relationship

✎ General

Name: Daniel Jacob Zimmerman

Pronunciation: dan-yull jay-kub zimm-err-man

Nicknames: Dan, Danny, Kid (from Jon Cairo), Glasses, Darling (both from Erik)

Other Names: None

Titles: Mister, Student

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 20

Species: Human

Race: Latinx/Caucasian

Dominant Hand: Left

Verse(s): Crossfall Universe

✎ Birth 

Birthday: November 28

Birth Place: Raleigh, North Carolina

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Zodiac Sign: Unknown

✎ Appearance 

Height: 5' 9" (175 cm)

Weight: 130 lb (59 kg)

Body Type: Average/Oval

Skin Color: Tanned Beige

Extra Anatomy: None

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Hair Style: short, neat, preppy, wavy, parted to the right

Eye Color: Dark Green

Eye Type: Almond

Eyebrow Color: Dark Brown

Eyebrow Type: thick, soft angled

Eyelash Color: Dark Brown

Eyelash Length: Long

Nose Shape: Greek

Face Shape: Oval

Chin Size: Small 

Facial Hair: None

Other: freckles along nose, cheeks, and body in general

Alternative Appearances: N/A

✎ Wardrobe and Image 

Wardrobe: a lot of casual or business casual clothing, lots of black, green, gray, and blue

Accessories: sometimes wears his black glasses but usually just wears contacts

Favorite Outfit: green and black flannel, black or navy blue skinny jeans, casual black and white jean shoes

Equipment: usually has his black and brown messenger bag with his computer

Piercings: None

Tattoos: None

Makeup: None

Natural Scent: book pages and pencil shavings

Voice: typical American accent, tenor, quiet

Posture: slouches over when he sits, isn't completely straight-backed when standing

Main Color Scheme: black, brown, green, blue

✎ Personality 

General Description of Personality: innocent, quiet, awkward, reserved, artistic, literate, self-conscious (especially in public), empathetic, good advice-giver, procrastinates, anxious, has trouble paying attention in class, really smart

Behavior: gets very stressed very easily, restless, usually stays up really late, gets tired often, noticing small details easily, overthinks things all the time, worries excessively, bad at concentrating, prone to panic/anxiety attacks, gets nauseous when afraid or anxious

MBTI Personality Type: INFJ

Anima: quiet, anxious/nervous, reserved, thoughtful, generally pretty happy

Persona: about the same, people just usually don't know the extent of his anxiety

✎ Social 

Mother(s): Holly Zimmerman

Father(s): Ivan Zimmerman

Guardian(s): None

Sibling(s): None

Children: None

Close Relative(s): no one important enough to his story to mention

Best Friend: Rachel King

Close Friend(s): None

Friends: Lorain Tomas, Ajax, Cecilia, Alaster, Lotus Leavitt, Iris, Jae (whoops... I don't know some of their last names), some of his college classmates

Allies: N/A

Rival(s): None

Enemies: N/A

Role Model(s): None

Pet(s): None

Family Dynamics: His mother and father live in a different state, so he doesn't see them all that often.

Reputation: he's known a little in college for being a good writer, and is also well-known for being Erik's boyfriend by people who follow the band, but otherwise he doesn't have much of a reputation

Sociability: he's not much of a social person, he doesn't really talk to people he doesn't know if he doesn't have to

Status/Class: Middle Class

✎ Romance & Orientation 

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, Demisexual

Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

Gender Orientation: Cisgender

First Love: Ava Parrish

Love Interest(s): Erik Cairo

Significant Other(s): Erik Cairo

Former Significant Other(s): Ava Parrish

✎ Health 

Overall Healthiness: Okay

Diet: pretty much anything at any time, though he doesn't really eat a lot and doesn't have big meals

Exercise: basically none besides occasional walks

Allergies: None

Diseases: None

Physical Disorders: None

Mental Disorders: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Physical Disabilities: None

Developmental Disabilities: None

Learning Disabilities: None

Abnormalities: None

Vulnerabilities: he's not very strong (but surprisingly okay at running for how little he does it)

Reasons for Health: genetics, lack of consistent exercise

✎ Psychology 

IQ: 110

Language(s): English

Vocabulary: Very Good

Memory: Okay

Temperament: introvert, sanguine/melancholic, phlegmatic

Learning Style: Verbal, Visual, Solitary

Emotional Stability: Okay

Mental Health: Okay

✎ Philosophy 

Religion: Agnostic

Animal Familiar: Deer

Allegiance: USA

Political Party: Liberal

Alignment: Neutral Good

Optimist/Pessimist: Pessimist

Virtues: Charity, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Humility

Vices: Gluttony, Sloth

✎ Character 

Quirks: pays attention to and easily notices small details, particular about grammar and often points out mistakes, bad singer, tends to procrastinate but does good on assignments, hates having people worry about him, he has glasses but usually doesn't wears them, awkward at most exercise because of his long limbs, loves listening to classical music, has mellow expressions unless he's really emotional, carries around mints constantly (less because he's self-conscious and more because he just likes them and likes having them), knows a lot of useless facts, really good at spelling

Hobbies: every now and then he volunteers at an animal shelter, reading, writing, song-writing, listening to music, walking

Mannerisms: walks with his hands in his pockets or holding his messenger bag, tilts head when interested in something, tends to not take up a lot of space, sits with his legs crossed most of the time, always sleeps on his side

Humor: some dark jokes, running gags, memes

Habits: mumbles, procrastinates, cracks joints often, fidgets when anxious

Traumas: injury/illness of a loved one, physical assault, abusive relationship

Nervous Tics: tapping foot or fingers, chewing inside of cheek, clasps hands together in lap nervously when sitting, puts his hands in his pockets or on his messenger bag when standing, fidgets with his sleeves

Regrets: ever dating Ava, not ever telling his parents about his anxiety, not going for better grades and things like that in middle and high school (though he actually did really good in school)

Secrets: he's really anxious a lot of the time, knows about Erik's depression and depressive tendencies, keeps Ava's past abuse towards him a secret

Phobias: None

Greatest Fear: Failure

Self-Confidence: Okay

Self-Control: Good

Self-Esteem: Fine

✎ Combat 

Ability: N/A

Element: Earth

Martial Arts: None

Immunities: None

Resistances: None

Strengths: has potential to be fast runner/walker because of his long legs

Weaknesses: not very strong

Restrictions: N/A

Source: genetics, lack of consistent exercise

✎ Home, Work, & Education 

Abode: his apartment with Erik in Tallahassee, Florida

Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina

Citizenship: America, Floridian

Occupation(s): book editor

Transportation: walking, the bus, taxis, his car

Criminal Record: None

Dream Job: well-known author

Dependencies: Erik pays half the rent, Danny's parents are helping him pay for some of his college tuition

Schools/Colleges: North Ridge Elementary School (real place), Exploris Middle School (real place), Athens Drive High School (real place), Florida State University (currently attending)

Special Education: None

Grades: Very Good

Degrees: going for a major in English Literature and a minor in General Business

✎ Story Information 

Archetype: Caregiver

Enneagram: The Loyalist

Role: Protagonist in his own story, Supporting Character in Crossfall's story

Significance: helps write lyrics for the band Crossfall, Erik's boyfriend

Inspiration for Character: one of my friends wanted me to create a boyfriend for Erik

One Word To Describe Them: Gentle

Theme Song: "Clocks" by Coldplay

Backstory: Danny lived a pretty normal and happy life as an only child, up until he was about ten, when his anxiety started to affect his daily life. In elementary school, he met Rachel King, who would soon become his best friend. In freshman year of high school, he started dating a girl named Ava Parrish, and she was kind to him at first but was gradually more abusive to him as time went on. They stayed together for two years, him striving for her approval and love while she emotionally and physically abused him, protective over him and wanting him to herself even as she ridiculed him for having anxiety and many other different things. Rachel found out, and she tried to get him to break up with her, but he refused, because he didn't want to let Ava go. His parents eventually found out, though they didn't know the extent of how bad she was to him, and made him break up with her, which, at that point, he knew it was the best thing to do and agreed. She continued to harass and threaten him months after until she finally stopped. He has trust issues and post-traumatic stress because of their relationship. After he graduated, he went to Tennessee, Florida to go to Florida State University. 

(helps Crossfall write songs) (I need to figure out how Erik and Danny meet besides the fact that they become roommates in an apartment...)

✎ Favorite... 

Animal: Bear

Color: Green

Season: Summer

Weather: Rainy

Time of Day: Morning

Food: Watermelon

Drink: Coffee

Music Genre: Alternative

Movie Genre: Science Fiction

Book Genre: Fantasy