
1 year, 9 months ago




Name Bruno
Called The Stray
Age 18-19 years
Gender Male
Race Neko
Role Main Protaganist
Personality Grumpy, standoffish, stubborn
Theme Song link


  • Specializes in offensive styles
  • Eyes glow faintly in dim/dark light
  • Fiercely loyal to the few he trusts


  • Yellow roses, or anything yellow really
  • Stargazing, walks at night
  • Being around his "family" of Panda and Ringo

Kicker of ass, Bruno the stray. Literally my favorite OC, he's been my baby since 2015 and I love him


A stray who has learned to survive on his own at a young age, after his mother worked herself to death trying to give him a better life. Bruno's mother is the only family he had, never having met his father, and after losing her he began to act out in rage and grief. He was taken in my the next town's infamous Panda-Sensei, a man with a dark past hoping to redeem himself, as his first and only student. Seeing his ferocity and tenacity to live, Panda began teaching the young boy how to properly fight and defend himself with forgotten martial arts. Quick to learn, Bruno began to truly understand the art and use it to control his emotions. He is naturally skilled beyond expectation and has become the envy of dojo masters near and far. Someday, he wants to open a dojo and take in students like Panda-sensei.


Bruno was Panda's only student for nearly two years before another joined them: Ringo. Bruno immediately disliked the young pup, often trying to hurt him during training. But the young Ringo never seemed to get hurt despite his best attempts. Many bonding sessions were orchestrated by Panda-Sensei, and eventually the two began to trust one another. It wasn't until Bruno introduced Ringo to his only family, his mother's tombstone, that their trust in one another surpassed that of brothers. Despite being considered an equal by Bruno, Ringo finds himself hiding behind Bruno often.

Other Dojos

Bruno finds himself saught after by other dojos after Panda had entered him into his first championship; it was an easy win for Bruno at the time. Since then, he's become irritated by people asking him to transfer or other students challenging him as a test of strength. At first, Bruno had accepted their fights and won easily, but over time, he lost interest. Now, he ignores most people who bother him; he simply tells them to meet him at the tournaments. One dojo master in particular continues to make offers, Polar-sensei. And more recently, Polar's number one student: Tiger. Bruno avoids the loud girl at all costs, much to Panda's amusement.


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Panda-Sensei [ Sensei ]

Bruno's almighty sensei and adoptive father-figure. When Panda found Bruno, the young man was on death's door as he remained by his mother's tombstone; yet the young cat was fighting off vandals trying to desecrate his mother's grave. Panda is inspired by Bruno's will to live and aims to nurture him into an unwavering adult.

As much as Bruno hates the pranks and jokes, he admires Panda for his unmatched physical and mental strength. Both having lost a loved one, they empathize with one another and use their experiences to grow together. Bruno would follow Panda to the ends of the Earth if he asked.


Ringo [ Classmate ]

To say they had a rough start is a vast understatement. So many times Bruno had tried to make Ringo quit the dojo, and every time Ringo would resist harder. Eventually they began to trust each other and their friendship grew into a brotherhood that could never be severed. They respect and protect one another from whatever foe stands before them.

Bruno will never get over his jealousy that Ringo has such a large, supportive family. He respects Ringo's defensive prowess and miraculous ability to never get hurt during a fight, no matter how aggressive the opponent.


Mama Bruno [ Mother ]

The strongest person ever, in Bruno's eyes. He strives to make her proud in the afterlife, honoring her name and legacy as best he can. Because of his great respect for his mother, he has never laid a hand on a woman and treats them all very delicately. Even Tiger, who continues to try and fight him, he refuses to fight her in fear of hurting her. Often Bruno can be found visiting her grave, talking to her and asking for advice. Those spectating have witnessed a ghostly presence around him, embracing Bruno.