


1 year, 8 months ago



A slime that works at Clara's inn and is/will be [deciding a timeline still] in a relationship with her. She's known for being a mom with a little bit of crass, wild edge to her. She's good in social situations but prefers being behind the counter more than Clara. She's known for being a highly skilled cook, in part thanks to her mom training her from an early age. Even with her little wild streak in her, she's still a caring individual, and if someone she's attached to gets sick she'd work like a madwoman to make them well again.

She's very good with chemistry/alchemy and overall has some pretty decent knowledge of the world around her, but she's not a scholar per-se, and if you go to a university you'll find some people that outclass her by a margin, and even more that know the minutae of the process. She's been trying to save up to go, since she refuses to let her mom finance her, but the inn doesn't have as many customers as of late even for just food as the village dies out....

She has significantly faster regeneration abilities than most slimes. Her body happens to be a very useful and versatile alchemical base that can be substituted for a lot of otherwise costly alchemical ingredients, making her an alchemical powerhouse. She's capable performing all the steps of certain processes right inside her own body, even those that require heat or cold, be it health potions or acid bombs or glass. The latter is her fastest way to create a blade for combat.

While they're far away from one another, she and her mom are on good terms and they try to visit one another from time to time.

Her mom was a distinguished and well-known adventurer, and Jamie wanted to find her own path in life. She eventually happened upon a town at a midpoint in a trade route, started working at Clara's inn, and that's been her life for the most part as of late.