Reqatti Firesong



1 year, 9 months ago




Name Reqatti Firesong

Home Black Citadel

Warband Song

Legion Iron Legion

Gender Male | He/Him

Profession Holosmith

Age 33

Weapon Rifle


The current legionairre of the Song warband, Reqatti was born to a Flame Legion spy who his mother became fond of, unknowingly falling for her sworn enemy. Upon discovering her husband's treachery, Reqatti's mother was executed while her mate escaped without hesitation. In the fahrar, Reqatti was avoided by other cubs who overheard rumors of his origins, and was often neglected and treated more strictly by den mothers, but largely had a decent childhood.

Reqatti is often selfish, reclusive, and neglects his responsibilities because of his early lack of socialization. However, he's a genius when it comes to machines, thinking of his tools and creations as his only family. Despite often being dismissed or ignored, he has an innate sense of justice and often helps those even if he feels they don't deserve it.

He was, however, accepted into a warband with what few friends he had. He largely drifted around with his warband, only doing what he was told with no real goal in life, only looking to satisfy his curiosity with his inventions. In an unfortunate mission, the warband leader was killed, and by an overwhelming majority, Reqatti was voted as lieutenant much to his dismay. He disagreed with the decision, denying his promotion, and risked the warband's collapse under his indecision.

Because of his unique situation, Rytlock oversaw Reqatti on his own personal time, worried that Reqatti may be treated unkindly for his parents' reputations. It was under Rytlock's guidance that Reqatti realized the trust that his bandmates' were putting into him, and allowed him to proudly take upon the responsibility of lieutenant. Rytlock continued to fawn over Reqatti and offer counsel in his free time. Unbeknownst to either of them, Rytlock was developing feelings for Reqatti and over the course of the story, the two eventually become mates.