


1 year, 10 months ago


Auratrip quick character info
-Species: Alien
-Gender: Male (they/them)

-Occupation(s): Bass player, fixes up electronics
-Birthday: September 6th
-Age: unknown (24 years old in Earth years)
-Height: 5'0"/152cm
-Weight: 100lb/45.35 kg

Meeting Xander after a (probably coincidental) spaceship crash near his house, Auratrip and Xander became fast friends after they found out they had somewhat of the same interests...and that they're pretty good guitarists, since Aura is one of the best bassists in the galaxy, being able to keep up with anybody.

Additional info besides on what’s on the ref sheet:
-Auratrip has no interest on world domination or gathering info on life forms on Earth.
-If you were able to close out of that window on Auratrip’s monitor head, they would become mute until they reinstall all of the software to be able to make facial expressions and also be able to verbally communicate from their mouth out of the monitor through advanced alien technology.

-Auratrip is a messy sleeper, often turning a lot and also most of the time never making the bed when they wake up from their sleep.