


1 year, 9 months ago


♪ Music to listen to♫

| Rogue of Mind | Prospit Dreamer | Purple Blood |

She's very quiet, but has a sweet soul that loves with all her heart. She's very expressive with her clothes, but is very mild mannered everywhere else. She believes in her religion, but doesn't try to broach the subject towards other people, in fear of rejection. However she is very spiritual. And likes to paint as unobstructed as possible, preferring her hands and getting messy with her fingers than trying things digitally.  She wears minimal clown makeup because she doesn't want to impede the body that God gave her. Her strife specibus is completely defensive, liking to flee and throw paint at enemies, and fly off on her balloons away from danger. 

Her hair is curly like black people.

She has a curvy/chubby build but it's hard to see with the clothes/reproduction of Hussie's style.

If you're not familiar with Homestuck, trolls have gray skin, orange scleras and horns. Her blood color is purple like Gamzee's which means if there were blush it would be a dark purple. Also, in their Godtier outfit trolls grow wings the same color as their blood color.