Ember Hestia



1 year, 9 months ago


Gender: Female

Age: 21

Species: Demihuman 

Abilities: Pyrokinesis/ Enhanced combat 

Ember was born to a powerful gang leader and his main groupie, but sometime after her birth her dad decided to disband his team and focus on family life. But one day an old rival surfaced and demand he turned himself over to him or his wife and daughter would pay the price, not wanting his family harmed he left without a word, his wife knowing something was wrong decided to search for him, despite others saying he walked out. Knowing it would dangerous to take along ember she asked and her friend to watch over her until she returned. 

Here she meets Ruby for the first time, feeling that she was abandoned she didn’t let others get too close and kept lil Ruby at arms length. But Ruby didn’t give up on getting close with her, and little by little the two started forming a big/lil sister bound, and her mom did the her best to keep in touch with her.

Ember loves a good fight, and the bigger the challenge, the more excited she‘ll get. She has pyrokinesis and can control and use the strongest flames, she can cause fiery explosions and the closer she is to a target the more damage it will cause. At her peak power she can absorb enough fire to turn herself into a walking nuke. 

she‘s very loyal to those she cares for and will fight tooth and nail on their behalf. She does get a little flustered when told that she’s cute especially when smiling. Despite her tomboyish appearance she can be quite feminine and does enjoy girly things. She would wear dresses more often, but they’re not really suitable in combat.