Ludvel Vexxla



1 year, 10 months ago


A sheepish bronzeblood with the ability to sway lusii to his side. Sometimes it works TOO well, and it becomes permanent, with a lusus simply adopting him. Little critters and hulking behemoths follow him around like he's a Disney princess. It's hard for him to truly appreciate them, seeing as almost half already had kids, and fights among them are bloody and unpredictable.

He hasn't had an easy life in general. He was abandoned by his 'real' lusus, and he's always feeling guilty, not to mention the danger from trolls seeking revenge and distrusting him. It doesn't help that he doesn't know how to make the lusii leave. His self esteem is Not Great.

Nowadays, Ludvel works for Mirage's Menagerie, a circus group. His humble presence and ability to gather, charmingly interact with and train exotic animals makes him a great asset as a stage performer, and he's not sure what else he'd be good for.

Concept came from a dream I had!