Vampires&Werewolves! Me



1 year, 9 months ago


This character is literally me. Feel free to draw him, but keep this in mind and don't be weird !!
More bloody/gore things are okay to draw with him, as he is a werewolf. No sexual stuff.
he/she ♡ 20
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This is my sona from my friends and I’s vampires and werewolves au, in which… We are vampires and werewolves, yeah.

In the au, vampires are humanoids with pointy ears, long canines, and blue/green/gray-ish tinted skin due to lacking blood. They tend to have unnatural eye color, or eyes that reflect a different color in certain lightings. They can turn into bats at will. They need blood in small quantities regularly to stay in good health, but wouldn’t die with no blood at all, just be weak and sickly. Bigger amount of blood helps them heal injuries. Sunlight is only vaguely uncomfortable, but they cannot come in contact with fire at all, they immediately burn to ashes. The ash regenerates them extremely slowly, but can it be drenched in large quantities of blood to resurrect them faster. They may eat human food for fun, but they are allergic to bread, of any kind : It could kill them in big enough quantities. Aside from that, they are immortal.

The werewolves are humanoids with ears that have a human placement, but are way longer than human ears and tufts of fur. They also have their wolf tails at all times, and long fangs. They also have long, pointy, hard nails that they may file to appear more human. Their feet look more like large dog paws with claws and paw pads than human feet. They may have any eye color but it tends to be yellow. They can turn into their wolf form at will, the full moon having nothing to do with it. Their humanoid forms are a regular human height, but they become really large wolves, usually reaching at least 2 meters tall on all fours. They may eat human food, or raw meat. They are practically immortal.

There is no particular animosity between vampires and werewolves as a race. They are often seen cooperating to pass as humans and live peaceful lives.

In the au, I’m living in a huge mansion in the woods with my two queerplatonic wives (friends outside of the au) one of them is a vampire (he/she/they) and the other a werewolf (she/they). Vampire wife and I first owned the castle and split it half and half with our two different aesthetics. She has loads of money and I’m the housewife, I clean the mansion. Werewolf wife and I hunt animals and give the blood to our vampire wife. Werewolf wife is mostly squatting in our mansion and very messy but we let her. Vampire wife hides their pointy ears and passes as a human, pretending Werewolf wife and I are her abnormally large dogs. The seashell necklace is a sort of mariage thing kind of deal. Werewolf wife has it as a bracelet, and Vampire wife has it embroidered on his cloak.
Counting Sheep ♡ The Crane Wives

composed by kale