Danny's Comments

I like what you have done with Danny <3

Thank youuu <3 I'm so happy I got him (:

You're welcome! Really glad you kept the concept of him not caring about society's labels on female vs male clothing! <3

Yeah me too! I try to keep characters the same over time ^^

YES! So happy to know a bit more about him~~~:D I really like how sort of neutral he is, and although I couldn't not try to save someone, I do understand and agree with his point of veiw, sometimes hard times are the only thing that can help you to grow to become a better person~:) Also, it is so cute that he love double-decker busses~:D

I'm so happy you like his bio! <3 I want to draw him on a double-decker bus one day xD If I figure out how to draw a bus lol

Haha, yeah, that would be hard, Vehicles are something I have trouble understanding~xD

YOU HAVE HIM NOW~~~~ :D Awesome, I just saw the image I did of him a little while ago, and I remembered seeing him up in the giveaway journal, so I was wondering who had got him~ :D I already like what your doing with him! 💙

Yes, I got him!! As soon as I saw you had done an artwork piece for him, I wanted to rescue him. <3

I'm so happy you did~~~ 💙


I just love your art a lot, it really adds to the characters and makes me like them more.

Awww, thank you sooo much~~~*massive hugs*